
Can someone please cheer me up

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I'm getting anxiety attacks about the world's climate and overpopulation crises and everywhere I go people are providing me with no hope, they just reinforce the terror I am feeling.

Are we really screwed?




  1. Grow-up, get a job. The terror you are feeling,oh brother.

  2. Take it easy!  There are systems in place that will take care of our needs.  Oil prices are high, so now is the time for the countries who depend on oil to start to look for alternative energy choices.  For example, oil companies are starting to do this.  The free market economy will find a way out of this problem:   oil companies know that the supply of oil is limited.  Therefore, they will fund alternative energy sources.

    Can I cheer you up?  Take it easy....everything is going to be ok.

    Calmer heads will prevail.  We do not want to destroy ourselves nor do we want to destroy our environment.  Human beings will do what is necessary, in the end, to do what is right.

    Some painful lessons, however, will have to be learned, before we do so.  These lessons, I suspect, are the source of your anxiety.  You are wise beyond your years.


    July Johnson

  3. No.  This is EXACTLY the intended affect.  If you are having anxiety attacks see a mental health professional, but know that climate & overpopulation are pretend catastrophes.

    It's not the end of the world, it's just the end of you.

  4. There is a cycle that goes around in our planet's history. You may think events such as global warming, unpredicatble weathers, etc... is only happening now BUT these things had happened before, without the help of mankind. Nothing we can do to prevent such BUT (again) we can minimize the catastrophic effects.

    Watch Al Gore's documentary and you'll see what I'm pointing at.

  5. Nope.

    I live in California, a state with a world-class economy and incredible natural resources. Our government has geared up in an incredible way to tackle the problems associated with increased greenhouse gases and global climate change.  It's a work in progress, but it involves every section of our state government, and is coordinated in such a way that progress is virtually assured.

    Other states and nations are sitting up and taking notice.  California has for the moment bypassed the federal government in taking a leadership role in tackling the climate crisis.  There are "off the shelf" solutions out there, and new technology just waiting to be explored to help wean us away from our dependence on oil, foreign or otherwise!

    The population of the planet is definitely a cause for concern, but I suggest you involve yourself in learning about sustainable living, because in becoming more familiar with the potential you should feel less anxious about the elements that are out of your control.  Most believe the population will peak and level off soon.  I hope and pray they are right, for everyone's sake!

    Check out the California Climate Portal.  It's easy to get lost in there, there's so much going on.

    Empower yourself by learning and becoming involved with a support organization in your community.  Reduce your carbon footprint.  In short, become part of the solution, and relish the fact that you can help affect change even at the individual level.  Being silent and fearful is not the way to go!

  6. Global warming is just another of a long line of scare tactic to get you and your money separated.  

    In the 60's, it was not enough food, etc.

    In the 70's, it was global cooling, air pollution, litter, garbage, etc.

    In the 80's, it was the nuclear holocaust, acid rain, air pollution, , etc.

    In the 90's, it was the ozone hole, air pollution, early global warming, etc.

    In the 00's, it is now global warming, etc.

    During the last forty years or so, did anything global climate-wise actually caused any problems?

    What happened to the ozone hole?  Air pollution?  Litter?

    When people started seeing these fallacy for what it really is, the fear mongerers moved on to something to scare you about and take your money.

    There is still an ozone hole, still air pollution, still garbage, still whatever........

    And yet, we are still here, still blue skies, still snow, still rain, nothing has really changed, has it?

    So the temperature went up a few degrees, so what?  Do you know personally anyone that this has directly affected?

    China is making more air pollution, trash, and dangerous chemicals belched into the air than the United States has EVER did and no one is getting on China about it?  

    YET, one volcanic eruption can belch 10 times more pollution than humans had ever produced in the last hundred years and thousands of these volcanoes have been doing this for millions of years and yet life still goes on, doesn't it?  I got this information on National Geographic about Volcanos.

    So what's the point of worrying?

  7. You are experiencing the intended effect of the shotgun marketing program they have using so they can raise oil prices without people shooting them.

    The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.

    H. L. Mencken  

  8. It is the arrogance of youth to think the world his going to h**l just as you arrived on the scene.  When Bob Dylan was young he wrote "Hard Rain".  He thought a nuclear war was emminent.  We are still here.  Google 'Al Gore's House" and you will be convinced that Gore himself is not too concerned with Global Warming.  If he was he would not have a mansion with eight baths.  Ditto for movie stars like Brad Pitt.

  9. Watch Al Gore's 'An Inconvenient Truth' and see if you can pick out all the errors and lies in it.  Once you've done that you should be cheered up a lot because it's full of them to the point of being a fictional sci-fi flic.

  10. So go to polls and Survey

    or religion

    they are good for a laugh

    I agree here in the Environment it gets depressing

  11. That's because you need to go to a higher source.  Some people don't like to hear it but HE IS CALLED GOD.

    It helps me not to fret because the world is the Lord's and the fullness thereof.  In other words, this is not our world we are just passing through.  If something belongs to someone they are going to maintain it.  Since the world is Gods' and all that is enclosed in it, He will take care of it.  I find this the way that I have been able to keep my sanity for almost 49 years now.

    I have worried about things that never came to past because I did not trust God.  In the last days, as it is written in the Bible, things and situations will come but fear not.  God did not give you a spirit of fear and anxiety but a spirit of love (enjoy what you have) and a strong mind to not fear.

    I hope this helps.

  12. It's just an unproven theory.  Relax there are always going to be "Chicken Littles" out there claiming that the sky is falling.

  13. Some people  just like to dwell on unhappiness. Just do what you think is right and feel good about yourself . Maybe join or start a club to educate people about taking care of our home(the planet). Good Luck and stop listening to negative people.

  14. Are we in trouble even if we all trust in God? Maybe, but the odds on that happening look to be unlikely. Let's make it a law that we will all ardently believe, or else. Or perhaps we can make it voluntary... do you think we will get compliance?

    There is enough resistance to doing anything so that people can use the old story... What good would it do if I sacrifice if nobody else is?

    And of course we all have to p***y foot around the question to avoid offending the politically incorrect. That is political correctness for you.

    The earth is not going to dry up like a leaf and burn.  There will be as much discomfort as humanity has experienced with previous occurrences of global warming and following ice age.

    I do not want to make light of that. No question it caused some serious difficulty or even extinction  from some areas. But human population is very widely spread. We will survive as a species even though many individuals will die.

    But let's not forget that we all die from one cause or another.

    That is not something to fret about.

  15. The only limits are our combined imagination.

    For example, oil companies use compressed carbon dioxide to enhance the recovery of oil from less productive oil wells.  With a little encouragement $$ , they will store it in empty wells.

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