I rarely ever remember my dreams, so when I wake up and I can remember it, I always write it down.
So I found it really odd I remembered two dreams I had last night.
Okay, well, the first one. My boyfriend and I were at the beach on a class trip. Everything was going fine, and then a girl started talking to him. I hated it, and I wouldn't let her talk to him. Now, I'm usually not like that at all, I have tons of guy-friends, and he has tons of friends who are girls. So why did I freak out in my dream?
And the second one was that I was back in school on the first day, and I was late for my first class. Apparently, that was the worst thing that could have happened, because I was so upset that I was late. And it just made me have the worst first day of school of my life. I've been nervous about going back to school.. Do you think my day is going to really be a bad day?
thank you!