
Can someone please decode these two dreams for me?

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I rarely ever remember my dreams, so when I wake up and I can remember it, I always write it down.

So I found it really odd I remembered two dreams I had last night.

Okay, well, the first one. My boyfriend and I were at the beach on a class trip. Everything was going fine, and then a girl started talking to him. I hated it, and I wouldn't let her talk to him. Now, I'm usually not like that at all, I have tons of guy-friends, and he has tons of friends who are girls. So why did I freak out in my dream?

And the second one was that I was back in school on the first day, and I was late for my first class. Apparently, that was the worst thing that could have happened, because I was so upset that I was late. And it just made me have the worst first day of school of my life. I've been nervous about going back to school.. Do you think my day is going to really be a bad day?

thank you!




  1. well water in a dream sometimes means turbulence. that could be your mind and spirit warning you to prepare yourself that something might be going on in your relationship.

    My question to you is are you about to enter your senior year and are you worried about school and your boyfriend.

    also remember that  dreams are sometimes a warning for what's going to happen and dreams sometimes reflect a scenario that occurred in your life.  

    good luck....

  2. Dream #1

    The beach -there are 2 sides to the beach, sand and water.

    Sand is your steady side, you think things through.

    Water is your emotional side, it's hard to control water in the ocean.

    Because you were jealous at the beach over that girl and you say you are not in real life it may mean that you do feel vulnerable in your current relationship.  


    Dream #2

    In a dream, being late is symbolic of your fear of change.  You are overwhelmed or conflicted with decisions regarding your future.  Time is running out and you must make a decision.


    With all of this put together - I would ask if you feel confident.  Is there something going on in your relationship?  Is your heart telling you one thing and your head something else?  

    Even though your dreams were at 2 different places, they (to a dream interpreter) give the same signals.  

    Consider where you are - and what you need to accomplish and do what is right for you, and you alone.

    Best of luck!!!

    ps - if you have more dreams there is an article and at the end it links you to a dream dictionary.  It may help you to keep a dream journal.

  3. It sounds to me like there are some communication problems with your boyfriend. Water represents emotions and the sand (beach) is dry with no emotions.   Also, you are not being honest with yourself in waking life, and that is why you freaked out in the dream.

    The second dream might indicate that you worry to much.  Your projecting doom into your future with regard to going back to school.  Maybe you should try and quiet the inner noise in your mind and not worry because you can only control a certain amount of things in the future.  Let the future take care of itself, and focus on today.

  4. The beach represents your important aspects-- the logical & the emotional.  The sand represents rational, logical thought and the ocean is the irrational, changing, purely emotional state.  In this dream, you are not just surrounded by either land or water, but you are at the beach:  this is important because it shows the joining of the 2 states.  The land represents your rational side:  you are normally laid back, secure and not jealous or protective.  But in this case, you are acting out emotionally--feeling jealous about a girl talking to your boyfriend (also symbolized by the water). I think this dream represents the two different forces and it  might be telling you to accknowledge and balance both your logic and emotions.  

    the second dream, about being late shows either a fear of change or uncertainty about the future or letting opportunities pass you by.  It can also represent a feeling of being unsupported in the situation you are currently in.  To determine what this dream truly means, examine your feelings as they were applied in the dream: to school.  Maybe you are thinking about where you want your studies to lead you in the future?  Or maybe you've not taken advantage of an educational opportunity?

    Hope this helped  =)

  5. I wouldn't worry about either of these dreams.

    No, the second one doesn't mean your first day back is going to be horrible. Missing class dreams are really common. Dreams don't predict the future.

    You're the only one who can decode your own dreams -- but much of what we dream is random and meaningless.

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