
Can someone please educate me on ovulation ?

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im extremly confused on the discharge and rather you have it during ovulation.

And I would also like to know if while your ovulating can you have bloating like a really tight lower stomach.

Also if you still get the egg white discharge during pregnancy.




  1. It sounds like you have some pretty specific questions relating to ovulation- The best person to ask would probably be your doctor (if you have one) since they can give you the most accurate info I would think- and probably are more familiar with you and your body than total strangers (on yahoo!!)

    Your doctor can also probably reccomend or prescribe something for your bloating and tight lower stomach. A natural remedy for bloating is PMS tea (which you can get at the local grocery store, or here:

    but for the more serious things- contact your doctor!  

  2. You will usually not get the egg-white discharge when on the pill or when pregnant. The discharge is a big glop of thick clear slime, similar to egg-whites.

  3. Ovulation is the monthly release of a mature egg from an ovary. A woman is most fertile around the time of ovulation.

    Typical ovulation symptoms and signs include changes in cervical mucus and a small rise in basal temperature. For most women, ovulation occurs about once every month until menopause (usually 10-14 days after the first day of your period and about 14 days before your next period if you have a 28-day cycle).

    About two weeks before menstruation, an ovulating woman may notice slick and slippery mucus. This discharge can vary by being more on one day and less on another but may continue for a few days during the time you ovulate.

    You can have a look at the following website to learn more about ovulation as well as tracking ovulation and fertility: or

    Good luck :)

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