
Can someone please enlighten me?

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I want to show how some people still believe this admistration is justified in stepping on peoples right. These are question I posed to Y/A some time ago, and had deleted. I don't have the foggiest as to how they are offensive in any way. I like answers that are well thought out. Please don't shoot from the hip, and show your immaturity. Thanks!

When was the last time anyone heard, "Stay the course"?

In Military - Asked by Ricardo C - 1 answer - 1 year ago- (Question has been removed)

Do Conservative actually believe that if President Bush was able to run for reelection he would win?

In Elections - Asked by Ricardo C - 24 answers - 1 year ago- (Question has been removed)




  1. Essentially the bottom line often in their rationalization/ justification of their VIOLATION of human rights and Constitutional/Bill of Rights rights is PATRIOTISM and / or

    GOD .

    A perfect example of this is the current infestation of the Oval Office who calls himself President (or I should say the Supreme  Court calls him President ) who has Used and abused GOD /Christianity and the Bill of Rights to prosecute his crime against humanity in Iraq all based upon a pack of filthy lies.

    Here are the charges against Bush for violating civil rights and the Constitution,.

    Here are the charges against Bush for his crimes against humanity.

    As it can take years before a matter can get before the Supreme Court,we are only now seeing the Court deal with Bush's many Constitutional violations and so far the Court has found against Bush on 4 decisions.

    Most Legal experts agree that Bush of all the Presidents has violated the Constitution much more often than any other President.

    Being a conservative alchoholic dysfunctional war monger, he is a perfect example of who Samuel Johnson was referring to in his famous quotation:


    and have no doubt whatsoever that Bush is a scoundrel but at least he finds himself in the company of other famous scoundrels like Stalin and Hitler who have so grossly violated civil/human rights  using as always PATRIOTISM to con the masses.

    If any of you ignoramuses are offended by the above,tough for

    all one has to do is to ask the literally millions of Iraqi loved ones whose INNOCENT sons,daughters,fathers,mothers, etc

    have been slaughtered because Bush decided to VIOLATE THEIR HUMAN RIGHTS by waging an ILLEGAL war all based upon LIES that has so far seen the slaughter of over 600,000 INNOCENT IRAQIS.

    To my knowledge Yahoo's ludicrously inane posting rules allow a question to be removed automatically if TWO people report the question so what often happens is that two people can conspire to remove any question (or answer like this one )  they want .

  2. They are not justified, there is nothing worth giving up rights for.

  3. Our rights are indeed being striped.  From the suspension of habeas corpus to campus free speech zones, our rights are being attacked on all sides from all sides.  Whether the excuse be for safety from terrorism or for reasons of political correctness, all limits on our rights are wrong.

    The Constitution spells out our rights in a fairly clear and concise manner.  Any deviation from those rights are an abomination to who we are as a people and as a nation.  Unfortunately, the ultimate blame actually lies with us, the very people who are having their rights taken away.  We gladly elect those responsible and then try to wash our hands of any blame.

    I guess the matter is a complicated one, but the fact remains that we are the sole masters of our destiny.  We are the ones who decide how far the government goes and we are the only ones who can stop it.

  4. I wave my magic wand:

    POOF, you are enlightened!!!

  5. You sound like a weeping liberal who can't stop lashing out. I guess you'll be happy when a Dem wins and your taxes skyrocket and our national security goes by the wayside. I for one am very nervous of a liberal in office.

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