
Can someone please explain: Britain, Great Britain, UK, England?

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What's what?

Please be kind..I haven't been in school in over 100 years..I'm not sure what countries are what?




  1. Britain & Great Britain (they're the same) = England, Wales & Scotland

    UK (properly known as the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) = England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland

    England = England

  2. England is a country on the Island of Great Britain

    on the island of Great Britain (Britain for Short) you also have the country of Scotland and Principality of Wales

    The United Kingdom (UK) is the Island of Great Britain plus the Province of Northern Ireland

    The Uk's full name is:

    The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

    There are certain Islands located within the British Isles that can be classed as part of the UK, and some are just crown dependencies, but because the UK government controls foreign relations and defence for these Islands, some may class them as part of the UK, even though it's a bit naughty to do so :-)

  3. United Kingdom = Great Britain and Northern Ireland

    Great Britain = Wales, Scotland and England

    And for clarification Northern Ireland is NOT a province but actually a country. Ulster is a province of Ireland - the other three being Leinster, Munster and Connaught. Ulster is NOT Northern Ireland.

    NI = 6 counties

    Ulster = 9 counties.

  4. I think Seb's answer sums it up.

    To anyone who says England= Britain... you need a better education.

    There are some islands that are odd, though- for example, the Isle of Mann is part of the British Isles, but not part of the UK or the EU... odd one, but there you go

  5. britain is england which is also great britain, and the UK is the united kingdom which involves britain and som other countries.... that somehow forms one country.

  6. The UK, or United Kingdom (aka United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) is commonly called Great Britain or Britain.  

    Great Britain comprises England, Scotland and Wales.

    You can refer to this previous question and answer for more detailed information --

  7. Great Britain consists of England, Wales, Scotland.  But England isn't like a seperate country, more like a state.  Britain is just short version.  United Kingdom is the same as great britain I think plus Northern Ireland.  Possibly United Kingdom might consist of the other commonwealth states like canada and british virgin islands?

  8. Seb did not mention the Channel Islands which are also part of the UK even though they are closer to France.

    There are also some smaller Islands like the Scillys and the Isle of Wight that are also part of the UK.

    Any decent map will find them for you.

    NO Seb and I are not related but I am happy to give him a thumbs up when he gets it right.

    Ian M

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