
Can someone please explain Clomid to me?

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I've been reading up on it...what does cd mean? Cycle day maybe??? and what about IUI? I have seen a lot about that too...can someone just explain when you usually take it, how long after that you should ovulate, how you know if you ovulated? etc.




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  2. I have just been prescribed clomid.

    My instructions are:

    Take Provera (tablets) one a day for 7 days. This will induce a period within 3-7 days. (Because i haven't had a period for a while, and suffer from ogliomennoreah).

    Take clomid tablets on day 2 of bleeding, day 3, 4, 5 and 6 of bleeding (making a total of 5 tablets).

    Then i will go in for an ovary scan 7-8 days after the FIRST day of bleeding, to see if any eggs developed.

    I am on 500mg clomid to start off with (as they can't be sure how much each women will need to react to it, they start slowly and build up).

    HOWEVER!!! This is a schedule specifically tailored to my individual needs and body. Clomid is a serious drug, and can have serious side effects and should only be taken with supervision.

    Theoretically, you ovulate 14 days-ish after the first day of bleeding, and as such should Baby Dance on days 10-16.

  3. yeah there's a lot of stuff to learn :)

    CD is cycle day

    IUI is Intra Uterine Insemination, when a doctor inserts the sperm in your uterus to help you.

    Ovulation can be calculated through OPKs (ovulation predictors kits)

    you can learn all about trying to conceive and also have the guidance of doctors who answer questions online for free, try the website FertilityTies

    good luck!!!

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