
Can someone please explain an abortion procedure?

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i know someone who is only 15 and who is 10 weeks pregnant. she did not mean for this to happen....she is also uncertain as to what she needs/wants to do. she is also embarrassed to ask some things. she has had both a urine and blood test. she has questions about an abortion, about the procedure, if she will feel any pain during and after. her father is demanding that this be done, without really giving her any answers, other than she will be ok...he is absolutely against her having the baby. can someone please let us know what the general procedure is, what the dr needs to do during, and what the dr will do after the procedure is over?




  1. well im pretty much against it but here are the ways the do it

  2. she should be tlking to a doctor about this...and to all the people that are saying ABORTION IS WRONG SHUT UP!!!!!! as if this girl doesn't feel bad engouh already...

    an abortion is demanding physically and mentally and before the doctor goes ahead with the procedure she will be spoken to and see that it is deffo what she wants if the doctor gathers that she does not want the abortion then it will not go ahead.

    Yes she is young and yes she should have known better but people get into these situations at all ages. At least she has told her dad and has a friend like you to support her.

    Also everyone stop posting things saying that abortion is wrong blah blah blah it is a personal choice and most of you should be reported for the things you have described in here!!!

    Tell your friend good luck and hope all goes well!!! xxxx

  3. OMG, herfather is telling her to get an abortion!!!!!   that is the meanest thing ive EVER heard of, if you want to know how they do it they turn the baby over and stab it in the back of the neck with a knife where it kills them, then i think you have to miscarry, or maybe they take it out, idk but im totaly against abortion, whos with me?!?!?

  4. The best source I can think of about the abortion procedures (there are multiple kinds) is the Planned Parenthood site.  Some clinics offer counselling before any abortion where you can get additional information on abortion and the alternatives.

    I guess she's lucky to have such a supportive friend, if she doesn't have such understanding parents.  It's a hard situation to be in.

    The best source to ask about the procedure, what you'd have to expect and such would be the doctor or the clinic staff.

  5. HELLO, what about a(n) open adoption?!

  6. No offence, but i think this is a question that some people might find offensive. I won't report you, but this is kind of a personal question that you might want to look up on google.

    Just warning you!

  7. Thank goodness we are in a country that we have a choice. It takes just a few minutes and then it is done. It is a very emotional experience. Talk it through before any decision is made because ultimately it is only one persons choice. Not friends, not dad's but just the person in those very uncomfortable shoes.

    Levels of pain and discomfort will vary with each patient but yes it is a painful procedure to be sure. There is meds available to ease the pain of the procedure...make sure your friend gets them. They make it a lot more bearable. Most of all just continue to be a good friend no matter the decision she makes.

    Good Luck & God Bless.

    Also,Count on getting a lot of opinions from pro-lifers but remeber a lot of women fought long and hard to make sure no one can tell anyone what to do with their own body. Thank GOD it is a womans RIGHT TO CHOOSE!!!

  8. There different procedures I know about two and they are the creepiest and most horrible ones, (a friend told me about this) in one of them, the baby is vacumed and in the other, after the baby is born, the baby is stabbed in the head with scissors, I'm not really sure if this is true, but it's unfair to kill an inocent child, people should go to jail for perfoming abortions unless the baby or mother is in danger. Try to convience the dad to give the baby in adoption where he/she can be loved by a couple that can't have children. What a cruel world, dumb teenager kills child, poor parents can't even have the blessing of a child, or poor parents have a natural abortion (that's what happened in my mother's case) so unfair. convince the dad to give the child in adoption! good luck!

  9. she will feel pain after the abortion and there is high risk of infection especially because of her age.

    the link below is of the methods used:

    for her the procedure used would most likely be Dilatation & Curettage (D&C)

    im personally against it

    but its not my choice and apparently its not her either

    good luck to ur friends

    she'll need it

  10. Its her decision what to do with it.  I personally am against abortion, expecially in this case, when the father is obviously just wanting it for his own reputation

    They do hurt, you can watch videos on youtube, although i'd be careful with what i click on.

    And many women have emotional problems later on, thinking back on what they did.  there are programs that help with this, but its a difficult process.

    There are different processes, but the one i hear about most often is a vacuum hose type of device sucks the baby  and the lining of your uterus out

    remember- the baby has fingernails!

    she should have the baby and give it up for adoption.  that way it can live, her father wont have to have a grandbaby when his daughter is 15, and the baby wont have to be raised around such a bigot

    but please urge your friend to let her baby live, no matter what her father says

  11. She should tell her dad to f*ck off. It's not his choice to make, it's hers. Seriously, tell her to stick up to her dad because what he is doing is not right on any level.

  12. you put country music over the belly

  13. Well, no teenager ever means to get pregnant, but it is what happens when they have s*x. That should be common sense and she should have thought of that before chosing to do so.

    I'm not sure what the procedure is, never had one and never will.

    The bf wants her to do this, but what does she want? If she doesn't want to do it, i know for a fact she will regret it.

  14. It's not the baby's fault he or she was made.  She will have a beautiful baby and she will be an awesome mother!

    My friend got pregnant and the bf did use a condom.  She got an abortion and I'm still friends with her, but I wish she kept the baby.  She didn't tell me about the abortion until after she got the procedure.  If I knew she was pregnant, I would have told her to keep the baby.

  15. go on youtube and search abortion.... it will show you videos. she needs to figure out what she is going to do. also in most states you need to be 18 in order to get one without parent permission. Also since she is almost past 12 weeks, they might not do it or it will be VERY expensive.... good luck.....

  16. well most places won't do the procedure if you're past the 1st trimester.. many won't do it after 6 weeks.. it should ultimately be up to her since it's her baby.. tell her to keep being brave and stand up to her father. it sounds like you're a great friend.. great enough to where if her father kicks her out she could live with you. talk to your mom about it. mom's know a lot about the whole birthing process. good luck. hang in there.


  17. okay. Your friend should NOT get an abortion. Yes, there is the choice, but it sounds like your friend doesnt want to kill an innocent living creature. She needs to stand up to her dad.

    Sure, you could 'get rid of' the baby by killing it. Or, you could have the baby and then put it up for adoption. Adoption is much less painfull and less expensive.

    Why would you kill someone??

    I cannot understand this. How can anyone kill a baby like that?

  18. Has your friend checked out all the options since most places won't do an aborition after a certian period of time anyways? There are a few aborition procedures if it's within the first month or so she can take a pill and basically you get a period and that's an aborition. Another procedure is pretty dramatic in which they use a vacuum to make the babies body parts seperate and they take the body parts out one by one. It's pretty sad your friend should look into aborition and think before the next time she has s*x. Youtube has videos on what they do, it's very graphic.

  19. First her father can't make her have abortion if he tries that all she would need to do is go to the nearest child protection agency and tell them the whole truth. I chose to have one when i was a teenager and still regret it everyday..had someone told me the truth about how they were done i might not have done it....In less things have changed here is how it get there and sign consent forms they give you a couple of shots to easy the pain are wide awake when they come in to preform the procedure..there is cramping while they are removing the baby with the suction device ..after there done you go to a different room and they have you sit  or lay of a few minutes maybe an get dressed and leave ..there is cramping and bleeding for about 3 or 4 days and your back to normal..Physically ...mentally you are scared for a long time especially if you really didn't want to do it to begin with..If she real doesn't want to do this she should seek help from other adults that she trust...Her dad can't  answer the question because in less you've been there with someone or have done it yourself can only guess at how it works... I wish her  my prayers in what ever she deicides to do...

  20. An abortion is the killing of  living baby with a heart beat and everything. A doctor can do different things including chopping the baby up and sucking it out. Injecting a saline solution that will burn the baby to death and then pulling the baby with a vacuum/

    It hurts, physically mentally the works.

    She needs to really think about this. Adoption is always an option.

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