
Can someone please explain how Palin is a reformer?

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She was for the Bridge to Nowhere before she was against it. Oh yeah she kept the $223 million too.

She's against wasteful spending such as earmarks. But while she was serving as Mayor of Wasilla she hired a lobbying firm to get more than $27 million dollars in earmarks for a town of 7,000.

She's currently under ethics investigation for abuse of power.

Now is she fighting against the good ol' boys or is she one of them?




  1. One can only fight off the powers that be for so long before they become one of them.

    She wouldn't have been elected governor otherwise.  Giving up the private jet and chef, isn't exactly "reforming" the position.

  2. Because she has not had to face the media or a debate about her real self. Notice how sheltered she has been so far by McCain? She's got the messiah complex going that Republicans accuse Obama of having and the Republicans don't want to ruin this.

    If Biden is at all competant, he should be able to poke holes in her armor very easily,

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