
Can someone please explain how do I make money by investing in stocks? does the prices go up every day,?

by  |  earlier

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do they double, triple? What does it mean when you see +2.67 next to a stock. thanks for all the help.




  1. Seek guidance from us

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  2. I think the Chinese old saying of " Not gambling is winning" is most appropriate in your case. If the prices go up every day is named as the bull market, and going down continuously is termed as the bear market.

    I personally know many Hong Kong citizens have lost from 10k to millions of Hong kong dollars in the past two years. Most of them are winners and earned a little bit as a starter five years ago. All of them were addictive to stock shares investment. All of them are become flat broke now. I think your best move is to get higher education and get your degree then you will have a good life in your future.

  3. +2.67 means it went up $2.67.  prices fluctuate every day.  you win and you lose.  

    you make money by buying shares.

  4. Dear friend,

    There is no way to do your money double or triple in short term. You should invest in share market with long-term perspective, while market can’t be timed yet you can invest through averaging. When prices are going down or at bottom is not a proper time to invest. Your should wait to take while price are raised slightly up than take.

    And +2.67 are concerned it means your share price is $2.67 up today. Prices goes daily ups and downs.

    Don’t take attention on rumor. Always go with strong company.


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