
Can someone please explain how humans cause Global warming.....?

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Ok I've look at both therioes and in the end man made global warming makes no sence to me humans acount for less than 1 1/10th of 1% of all green house gasses......Ants alone create 100x the green house gasses than humans do......not to mention all the other plants and animals, the volcanoes and forest can someone please tell me how it is that we are being blamed?

if you think I'm lieing watch this.....




  1. The wonderful thing about YouTube is that anyone can put any darn thing they want on there.

    We are burning carbon based fossil fuels that were sequestered by plants and other living things over about 500 million years. We are doing this in about 200 years. Before that carbon was sequestered, the earth was MUCH warmer. Artic regions were tropical. dinosaurs thrived in a CO2 rich environment far to the north of where they would be able to live now.

    Take note, all humans who are part of the placental reproduction animal kingdom: If oxygen levels fall (because of too much carbon dioxide in the air) to about 15% from the present 21%, there will be no more placental animals. Placenta is not efficient enough at transferring oxygen to a fetus as lower levels. We know this because people cannot live and reproduce at elevations where the oxygen levels are too low.

  2. Climate change is a serious problem that affects us all. There is strong evidence that human emissions of greenhouse gases are changing the world's climate. The main greenhouse gas is carbon dioxide (CO2), produced when we burn fossil fuels like coal, oil and gas for energy.

  3. Many people believe we are at fault!  They are listening to the information that the news is giving and agreeing with those people that are shown.  Personally, I feel that it is just a case of the squeaky wheel getting the grease.  And everybody knows that both politicians, and professors love to have everyone listening to them, who would listen if they said our climate is naturally changing and we must make the best of it!

  4. Joan H, you are introducing a problem that does not exist.  CO2 is less than 0.05% of the atmosphere.  To get it to levels that reduce the O2 content significantly, we would be in real, real trouble – in fact we would not be here.

    So, please ingore this part of the answers.

    CO2 output by human intervention is significant, but my only question is how much.  I am still not totally convinced due to the stablisiation of global temps between about 1945 and 1980, when CO2 output was accelerating at an inordinate rate, and the current lull after 1998 (actually lowering temps in 2007-8) when in that time China has come on board with massive numbers of coal-fired power stations and a surge in car use.  

    The only way the AGW proponents explain the levelling of temps 1945-80 is by proposing there was a lot of sulphur dioxide emitted by industry, which actually acts as a partial shield for sunlight.  That seems like clutching at straws to me.  

    The forecasts for future rise due to CO2 increase are made purely on computer models, which give a rise this century of 0.5C to 6C, depending who runs the model.  Al Gore scares the pants of the world by quoting the high figure, while the lower figure could be taken care of without the current panic to reduce carbon emissions that is going to cost the world trillions in the short term.  

    Note that the levelling of global temps after 1998 goes directly against the computer models predictions.  

    Yes, we need to reduce emissions and pollution, and replace oil with renewable energy, but in my view, this can be done over the next 50 years, saving us all from massive taxation that will ruin industry in USA and Europe in the next 10 years.

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