
Can someone please explain how to become a singer?

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I was wondering, because my family and I personally think that I have potential. I don't really know anything about how to become one. XP




  1. first you must develop your voice and make it sound in tune. after you become good at and can master your voice very well you can go in a band be a vocal leader... you can write your own words or to pay a poet to compose for you.  

  2. It's good to hire a singing coach to help you (eg. Give you comments ect.)

  3. Hi Dolphin

    Like any other musiciand, the best training is EAR training and that can only be accomplished by listen to records , cD and whatever. You have to find your range but practice is the key.

    I started playing in that manner. It gives you perfect timing, good pitch and sense of rhythm. That is essential.

    As for breathing, you have to sing just like when you speak. It has to be done throught the stomach diaphram. Lie on the floor and put your hand on your stomach. When you breathe the hand raises and when you exhale , it drops. Now try singing while lying there. That is the technique. Stand up and do the same.

    If you need volume to sing loud, you push with the diaphram. It is just like screaming and yelling. When you want to sream loud, the power comes from the stomach. The harder you push , the louder it gets.

    If you do it right, you can sing for hours without any sore throat even it you sing 7 days a week. If your throat gets sore, than theire is something you are doing wrong definitely.

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