
Can someone please explain the Guantanamo situation to me?

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I keep hearing about "Guantanamo" in regards to the Bush administration. What was/is the deal there? And what was/is Bush's involvement?

I'm very behind ... would appreciate being filled in




  1. Gitmo is where we keep our prisoners of war. Typically prisoners of war are held until the war is over then released. The Geneva Convention defines prisoners of war as uniformed comabatants and dictates how prisoners should be treated. Although those imprissoned in Gitmo are non-uniformed and do not fall under Genva convention rules we still treat them as we would uniformed combatants. Recently the Supreme Court has ruled that POW's (prisoners of war) are to be tried in US courts which historically goes against traditional POW mandates.

  2. its quite simple, bad people get caught doing terrorist acts in the middle east. they get sent to Gitmo, gitmo is in cuba and has no human rights. they keep them there because they are bad, its a good thing.

  3. Guantanamo is a modern day n**i concentration camp full of innocent people who are being deprived of sleep,tortured and interrogated.

    please take the time to read.

  4. Guantanamo bay, Cuba is not considered subject to US laws, although controlled by the US.  Holding non-uniformed combatants (termed "illegal combatants" by the Geneva conventions) at this base was a way to keep them outside of the civilian rights system under US Law.  The Bush administration wants these illegal combatants tried by military tribunals not civilian courts.  Many of those who dislike the Bush administration want those illegal combatants tried in civilian courts or outright released.  Many low value detainees who signed peace agreements and were released have been recaptured or killed back on the battlefields.  To hold, try, or release these detainees is the ongoing debate.  The Supreme Court and Congress is also weighing in, as they should.  Make your own determination as to how best to handle these combatants, but don't fall for the ridiculous statements flying around that they are being systematically tortured.  They are being guarded by the US Marines after all.

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