
Can someone please explain to me the effects that ozone depletion has on global climate?

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i found this paragraph, but i STILL don't really understand. PLEASE HELP!

"Whilst increases of UV radiation may affect the production and removal of carbon dioxide, the main greenhouse gas, ozone depletion itself can influence the global climate. Ozone is also a greenhouse gas, and as well as filtering out the incoming UV radiation from the Sun, can trap much of the infrared (IR) heat trying to escape the Earth to space. If stratospheric ozone is destroyed, ozone’s contribution to the greenhouse effect is reduced. This could offset some of the global warming due to man-made emissions of carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide. Ironically, as the ozone layer gradually repairs itself during the 21st century, this cooling potential will be lost. More significantly, the replacement chemicals to CFCs, the HCFCs, which themselves do little harm to the ozone layer, are very strong greenhouse gases, and are further contributing to the potential problem of global warming."




  1. -it causes polar bears to transform into wigged lions, which breathe fire into the air, setting all of the wigs alight and warming the air and the climate.

  2. If you cannot understand what was written because is sounds like gibberish, then you do understand it.  It is total gibberish.

    The hole in the ozone over Antarctica was 1st reported in 1985.  How many 1000’s of years it has been there, nobody knows.  It opens and closes every year in spring (September though December) and has not changed significantly in size from 1997 to 2007.  The entire topic of ozone depletion is a projection of what might account for the presence of the hole.    In my opinion, man had nothing to do with the ozone hole in the 1st place.  Did I mention we have no idea how long it has been there?

    When people lost interest (there was no more money in the ozone scam), the same people who invented ozone depletion invented global warming.

    Global warming is a complete fabrication by Al Gore and his drones.  Modeled after the global cooling and ozone depletion stories.  Change a couple of words and use the same information to scare money out of people and cause them to do silly things.

    Since people are realizing global warming is a scam, the name is being changed to climate change it preparation for the next scam.

    Literally, this has been going on for decades.  Fear not.

    Just be alert for the next fake crisis.

  3. This is a pretty arcane explanation, so I can understand. Ozone is essentially like a protective blanket around the earth that blocks out UV spectra radiation that would fry most carbon life forms.  CFCs (such as from old-school A/Cs, fridges, and even hair spray) break apart atmospheric ozone, but at the same time opens up that blanket to allow heat from CO2 and other greenhouse gases to escape (reducing the global 'warming"). So, its basically saying ozone depletion may actually be a positive counter to global warming.

    You thought ozone depletion was a bad thing, right? Remember here that the "ozone depletion" issue, which preceded global warming, referred to the depletion at the poles (north, south), which is where saturation of gases tends to occur. There, a depletion causes the suns rays to penetrate into the snow, melting it and causing weird sea temperature changes, current and salinity shifts and of course an increase in sea level.

    Either one is caused by something noxious put into the air by people.

  4. The theory is that ozone layer absorbs some infrared radiation leaving the planet and warms the atmosphere below.  If the ozone layer was depleted, then less radiation would be absorbed.  

    Ozone depletion by human activity is speculation not supported by scientific evidence.  

    When the ozone layer was measured for the first time, it was discovered that it was thicker in some places than others.  The thinnest place was over Antartica and this was described as a hole for political reasons and it was implied that this hole was caused by human activity.

    If there isn't any ozone depletion then it can't affect the climate.

  5. OK, people don't seem to be answering your question. The paragraph is saying that ozone, just like CO2 and water vapour, is a greenhouse gas and just like those traps infrared rays, keeping temperatures higher.

    Note this is NATURAL. Greenhouse gases already exist  in nature but we are increasing the amounts of them in the atmosphere.

    What this is saying is is that because ozone is a greenhouse gas, ozone depletion isn't so bad because by reducing ozone we can offset the warming caused by our adding of CO2.

    There has been a big scare about CFC's because they deplete the ozone layer resulting in more dangerous UV light reaching earth,  but here it is argued that although that is the case, the cooling effect of ozone depletion outweighs the cons. HCFC's have been brought in to replace CFC's because they don't deplete ozone, but they themselves are stronger than CO2 as a greenhouse gas, so they WORSEN the problem of global warming, whereas CFC's decrease it.

    Whether or not you agree with this is up to you, but that's what its saying.

  6. The ozone layer acts like a giant sunshade, protecting plants and animals from much of the sun's harmful ultraviolet radiation.

    Ozone (O3) forms a layer in the stratosphere, 15-40 km above earth surface. If the ozone in the atmosphere from ground level to a height of 60 km could be assembled at the earth's surface, it would comprise a layer of gas only about 3 mm thick.

    Global stratospheric ozone levels have declined, which means that the ozone layer is changing. Stratospheric ozone has large natural temporal and spatial variations, up to 30 percent variation may be regarded as normal. However, we now have evidence of a significant thinning of the ozone layer during spring and summer. This is observed in both the northern and the southern hemispheres at middle and high latitudes. During the last 10-15 years, the ozone layer above the northern hemisphere has been reduced by 5-6 percent in spring per decade. The latest tests have shown very large reductions, with a maximum of more than 30 percent reduction compared to normal.

    A depletion of the ozone layer will increase the UV-radiation at ground level. Increasing doses of UV-B may cause skin cancer, eye cataracts, damage to the immune system in animals as well as human beings, and have an adverse impact on plant growth.

    As the ozone layer is reduced, the Earth's surface is exposed to more of the shorter UV wavelengths of the sun's radiation that damage living things. For each 10 percent depletion of the ozone layer, we can expect 20 percent more radiation in these damaging wavelengths.

    If my answer has satisfied you, do select it as the best answer.


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