
Can someone please explain to me what this quote means?

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In both psychological and spiritual terms.

"My body was broken . . . but I felt healed.

Healed at last".




  1. The author... whom ever wrote this, whatever they endured that left them feel broken; but maybe some how through the pain of being broken, they received some kind of restitution, that left them feeling healed. May be in spiritual terms, like in the Bible "Paul" talks about his "thorn in the flesh". This may have left him feeling broken, but to serve the Lord and to "bare his cross", left him feeling healed spiritually "at last". idk, gave it my best guess... Good luck, and God Bless!!

  2. I think it means that this person was physically injured, but their mind.. or soul.. felt good, or releaved......(healed)

    so.. psychologically this person was healed, or in a good state of mind

    and same with spirtually

    but physically, they were hurt


  3. go to the religion section or philosophy

  4. like your physicaly hurt but minutely healed

  5. I believe it comes from the bible. Someones encounter with god or jesus maybe

  6. I think it may be referring to hitting rock bottom- in bad health- physically OR emotionally.  However, then you find that peace and hope that you had lost, and you know everything is going to be fine.

    Sometimes you really have to reach a really low point- then you know the only way is up- things getting better- so you feel your spirit healed with hope.

  7. It has to do with the feelings of elation having nothing to do with what is happening to you physically.

    It's the old maxim that you'll feel like you think. So if you're happy in your mind what's going on in your body is very much secondary.

    Spiritually, it would mean no matter what happens to your body here, your soul is happy knowing of heaven.

  8. Certainly in spiritual terms, he attained a kind of spiritual rebirth, an emotional catharsis

    In psychological, it could be disassociation

  9. that their body was physically broken but inside, spiritually, they were healed.

  10. It sounds like The Kite Runner ...?

    Say this girl was abused by her boyfriend whom she could never let go of, and one day she breaks .. she leaves him, he goes to jail, and now she is free:

    "My body was broken ... but I felt healed.

    Healed at last."

    To me, that's what it sounds like.

  11. I think is trying to say that no matter how much you fall down, the important thing is to stand up again and learn from the falls.

  12. someone who was sad but then found hope?

  13. Spiritually it might mean that pain and suffering caused by a great physical trauma and the journey through that pain created a time for reflection and  brought about understanding, self-knowledge and inner peace.

    Psychologically, I think it would have more to do with a feeling of relief that one has survived and an inner knowledge that has the capacity to surmount any problem...sort of like because of what I have gone through now I am older and wiser.

  14. i think it means even though im hurt i feel ok

  15. Healed in the heart??

  16. A person experienced pain but time heal the wounds and finally he overcomes it.

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