
Can someone please explain what's going on in Russia and Georgia?

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I really want to know.

Has 10,000 people really died? Is it war? I just don't understand why this is happening... can anything be done?

Thank you.




  1. Russia has a new nationalism that is driving expansionism, political operations proceeded military acts, they induced this rebellion against Georgia and now they have sent their military to collect their winnings.  

  2. you know it is not georgia like southern us right?

  3. The Russians have been trying to steal a Georgian province called South Ossetia by pumping it full of Russian citizens. Georgia deployed troops to protect themselves and the Russians decided to try and take over all of Georgia.

    They also want Georgia out of the picture because it is close to joining NATO and that would make Putin wet his pants.

    Also, Georgia has a very valuable oil pipeline that Russia wants to control.

  4. Jesus Christ Toms, don't you ever take a p**s break? Is your disinfo never ending?

    NATO and Israel, and elements of US government are supporting and directing Georgian military, covertly throwing millions of $ into their proxy-war against Russia. Russian intel knows this, and the situation is very dangerous for everyone living in Russia and USA

  5. The main human losses were during georgian attack on S.Ossetia capital at the night August 7-8. About 2,000 civilians were killed there. More than 30,000 refugees are now in Russia.

    On August 11 Georgia say they lost 82: 45 soldiers and 37 civilians.

    Russia say they lost 15 peacekeepers.

    I'll probably send some money for S.Ossetia children and refugees, most of them are homeless now.

  6. Well, as far as I can tell, Ossetia belongs to Russia (I think) and South Ossetia wants to join with them even though they are part of Georgia. Most of their citizens are Russian and carry Russian passports. Georgia sent their military in to stop the revolt and to keep things as they are. Russia sent their military in to "protect" the Russians living in South Ossentia. The President of Georgia has called for a cease fire but Putin, who is now Russia's Prime Minister after having been President--he still runs things, has not only ceased fire but continued to go farther into Georgia and has taken over parts of the capital,  T'bilisi.

    That's as much as I understand at the moment.

    Tom pretty much sums it up.

  7. something is being done :) i gave up my freedom last month to give it to people around the world and i look forward into defending the less fortunate people's freedom

  8. Russia is systematically crushing a democratic state to kick out its duly elected leader and replace him with a puppet govt that answers to Moscow and won't join NATO.  The UN will wring its hands, Russia will veto any resolution that criticizes them, and the US and EU haven't got the military wherewithal to do squat about it. Unless they want to start a nuclear war...So, the killing will go on enthusiastically until the Ruskies get what they want, and do not delude yourself that they give a gnat's pharte what the rest of the world thinks of them for it.

  9. Take a look here:

  10. big brother russia is picking on its old sector of georgia. russia is the second largest nuclear arsenal in the world, so no one wants to declare war for fear that all the nuclear super nations will have nukes floating around in space aimed at them. tons have died. i dont know the exact numbers. bush, B Hussein Obama, and John McCain have all called for a cease fire. Georgia is deploying troops to Iraq with the US to gain some good friends. expect our troops to b in Georgia and russia before too long. OORAH

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