
Can someone please explain what Earth Hour accomplishes?

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It sounds great, but I don't understand what turning the lights off for an hour will do. I already have my lights off for about 8 hours every night while I sleep.

What does turning the lights off prove? Is it symbolic or is it concrete? Is it going to damage our governments somehow? Are we trying to tell our government that we can live without electricity? Does it keep the hole in the ozone layer from expanding for a nanometer?

I don't have anything against it, so don't bash me for that, I'm just wanting to know HOW it helps and what does it help?




  1. NOTHING, the power companies do not use or produce any less power if they "turn off the lights" for an hour. Its just another "feel good" thing to talk about at the Starbucks on Monday!

    I made sure to turn ALL my lights on!

  2. It's symbolic.  By shutting off the lights for just that hour it saved a tremendous amount of energy.  If people turned off their lights all the time when leaving a room, turned down the thermostats, added insulation, etc, we can save money, the environment, money, money, lol

  3. It encourages people to think about what they do not really need (any goods and services, not just energy).

    If every person lived the "Western Way" we would need 5 Planet Earths to sustain that and we don't have 5 planets.

    In future we may have to grow our own food and live subsistence lifestyles just to survive. You may be smart enough to join the dots and see that we need to do more but the average person requires very basic instructions and encouragement before the penny finally drops for them. There are a lot of sceptics out there who are basically threatening our future because of their selfishness.

  4. It creates awareness for a short time. How quickly we go back to our polluting ways.

  5. Another "politically correct" scheme that accomplishes absolutely nothing!   Symbolism over substance!

  6. It's sort of symbolic. What Earth Hour is trying to do is to promote conservation of energy, even for an hour. Though personally, I think it makes no sense seeing as people are still gonna have their lights on in their homes, hotel rooms, etc. Even when are lights are supposed to be off, there are still lights on like in the street level stores and apartment complexes and probably some major landmarks and buildings. Though the message is good, we (human race) actually have to find ways to conserve rather than just show we don't need electricity for an hour.

  7. Regarding "Can someone please explain what Earth Hour accomplishes?"...

    In my house, it accomplishes higher electric bills.  I want to do my part.

  8. It shows global warming alarmists where they truly are.....

    In the dark!

  9. A sequential reduction of power demands, giving evidence and respect to awareness, which accomplishes a more broad planetary unity.  While we sleep our contribution is automatic.  While we deliberately participate, we commune.

  10. symbolism that people care enough to fight global warming

  11. It accomplishes absolutely nothing. It makes greenie weenie liberals feel good about themselves for an hour. That is all.

  12. It is all about raising awareness! ... from individual homes to businesses to government monuments. The fact that you are simply wondering about what it accomplished is proof enough that it accomplished something because you know about it.  (that's not a bash.. just a simple example). It brings validity to the issue of global climate change and the need to discover new renewable sources of energy in combination with new (old) methods of conservation.

    It helps the world to realize that we share this planet and we have to work to together to save it.

  13. Well I missed it. I found out about it today but in my time zone it was yesterday.

  14. I think it's just to raise awareness on pollution, particularly light pollution.

    It's not so much about the individual. People either care or think it's all bull. I guess it's also about doing something united with people around the world.

    But I would say the main point is all these monuments, large buildings and stores. City skylines. What other time do these buildings ever shut off any of their excessive lighting?

    You can't deny the fact that light gives off heat.

  15. Earth hour will spread awareness. People will ask, just like you did, why we're switching off lights around the world. And they will be told of the dangers of carbon pollution and global warming and how it could permanently damage our future.

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