
Can someone please explain what happened in my question?

by  |  earlier

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The question was...

"What do YOU think makes a TRUE supporter (of you club)?"

(it's meant to say 'youR' club by the way, typo!)

What happened... I got off my computer when there were 7 answers and all seemed fine... I come back today and when I logged in it says "alert (-10 points)" in the bit where your av, username, points and level is...

so then I check my questions, and that question had been removed!!

SO, what happened?? Somewhere in those last 10 answers someone has said something that was reported..

what was it? what was whoever's problem?

it was a sensible question!!





  1. It was Osama Bin Laden!   Disguised as a troll...

    Bad luck dark_ sec.   Sorry to say,  but the world is full of tossers.

  2. you dont have to upset anyone just have to give someone a guts ache  im wundering if people understand oz rulz

  3. There was nothing wrong with it mate, obviously some one seen it as a personal attack and not a discussion, seriously, it&#039;s petty to take things to heart like that, i know who&#039;s name you mentioned, he obviously took offence, you weren&#039;t having a go at him and neither was i, i just didn&#039;t agree with what he said earlier on &#039;that&#039; other one, so we we have a sly questioned aimed at us all who were on the same page, so to speak.

    oh well, can&#039;t do much about it hey. pretty petty behavior

  4. I remember your question, but did not answer it, someone is s******g around again, I was reported last week but challenged it and won, you can do the same, you still have time to do so

  5. you have upset no one you have been trolled out by a wce supporter

  6. From what I can remember the question was great! Cant imagine who could get offended from something that harmless? I hope you dispute it.. Some people are just nasty with too much time on their hands..

    Good luck..

  7. unlucky dude. it was a great question, and losing ten points over nothing is absolutely crazy.

  8. They might have taken it a chat..


    The trolls had their way with ya...

    It sucks when a decent question get deleted but they keep the questions up that are really chat and rant,and we all know there hasbeen a few of those in here lately...

  9. i remember the question and answered it

    for you to lose 10 points it wasnt any answer that got reported it was your question

    by the way i thought it was a good question

  10. That stinks! I answered and starred your question as I thought it was a good one!

    I hope this doesn&#039;t happen to any of my questions. I am very annoyed that someone has done this to you!

  11. thats really weird coz I remember answering that question yesterday and thought it was a perfectly legitamite question.

    I dont remember reading any offending answers though that would not cause your question to be deleted, just the answer.

    I would dispute the deletion and hopefully you get your 10 points back.

  12. Did they tell you why? Sometimes the powers to be deem it does not read like a true question &amp; give the advice for the dletion as , &quot;Not a question or an answer&quot;. That&#039;s all I can think of.

    If someone else responded with something they shouldn&#039;t have - only that answer would have been deleted, not the whole thread.

    The same thing happens to me but I have a few in here who report all my posts - have you upset anyone lately?

  13. your in a section where everybody reports everybody

    so i have just reported you for chatting

    expect another -10pts

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