
Can someone please explain why Tyler Perry feels the need to put his name in front of ALL of his movies?

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This guy bugs the h**l out of me. What is his deal?

Why is his name in front of EVERY movie he puts out?

Isn't the only reason why he's in the Biz is because he basically bought his way into Hollywood, right?

Is there anyone else bothered by him? It feels like slapping his name in front of the film/show is being intrusive, like he has to remind EVERYONE, "By the way, this movie is from ME, just in case you're wondering"




  1. I know!! Like "Tyler Perry's, the family that preys". Um can you say WTF? It's like he wan't everyone to know he wrote it. Also only put's black people in his movies and if there is a white person they are always the bad guy.  

  2. you asked this question at least 4 times. get over. Its olddd

  3. I hear Steven Speilberg's War of the Worlds.......M. Knight Shamylan's The Sixth Sense.......Ang Lee's Brokeback Mountain.....Spike Lee's Do the Right thing


  4. i mean... why not? plenty of people do it. steven speilberg, m. night shamalon, steven king.... And tyler perry was homeless on the streets before he got started, so no, he did not buy his way in

  5. He must really love himself.

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