
Can someone please explain why homosexuality is a sin?

by Guest59035  |  earlier

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I am not looking for answers like "because my religion says" so. I want answers based on logic. And I cannot find a logical answer. For something to be a sin, it needs to be harmful against people. Homosexuals don't hurt people, not anymore than heterosexual people do. Besides, since homosexuality is an hormonal thing, doesn't it mean that's how God created them.

Please give respectful answers, we are all mature people here. Thank you.




  1. "The family is ordained of God. Marriage between man and woman is essential to His eternal plan. Children are entitled to birth within the bonds of matrimony, and to be reared by a father and a mother who honor marital vows with complete fidelity. Happiness in family life is most likely to be achieved when founded upon the teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ. Successful marriages and families are established and maintained on principles of faith, prayer, repentance, forgiveness, respect, love, compassion, work, and wholesome recreational activities. By divine design, fathers are to preside over their families in love and righteousness and are responsible to provide the necessities of life and protection for their families. Mothers are primarily responsible for the nurture of their children. In these sacred responsibilities, fathers and mothers are obligated to help one another as equal partners."  

  2. lev 18:22 thou shalt NOT lie down with mankind as with womankind it is an abomination this should be easy enough to understand but i will paraphrase it to simple english a man shall not lie with another man for sexual purposes (as with womankind) it is not why God created male and female He created them to be fruitful and multiply this requires sexual intercourse between a man and a woman so if sexual intercourse is not done between male AND female it is an abomination it is unnatural against the intentions of the act not Holy Not righteous

    it is kind of like telling God i don't care what u say i am having s*x with my same s*x purely for the lust of it You (god) have nothing to say about it and i don't care about you

    when u do this God says I created u in my own image and I say homosexuality is wrong u are disobeying God directly u might as well go murder and steal and worship false idols He also said thou shalt NOT do those things to disobey God's direct commands is a sin no matter how you look at it

    so my advice as a Christian to homosexuals if u r not attracted to the opposite s*x DO NOT get married DO NOT have sexual relations with the same s*x live alone a celebet there is no sin in this just DO NOT give in to the fleshly desire to have s*x with the same s*x that is all

  3. The only really logical reason is that homosexuality results in fewer babies, and therefore the religion doesn't grow as quickly.

  4. They point to a verse in leviticus that says its an abomination for a man to lie with a man like he would with a woman.  

    Personally, I don't get how they say that that verse should be followed but the other levitical verses about killing people who wear mixed fabric clothes or who work on the sabbath should not be.  Another interesting thing--does the verse include lesbians or only g*y men?

    This West Wing clip sums up the hypocrisy very well:

  5. Nope.

    No one can give you a logical argument for that.

    All you'll get are circular answers and comparisons of bestiality and pedophilia to homosexuality.

  6. God didn't put any homosexual genes in mankind, because he calls homosexuality an abomination.

    Logical reason - 2 men can't procreate, 2 women can't procreate, therefore a dying generation and no way to increase.

    Most homosexual males live in bars, drink and get beat up by heterosexual drunk men in the same bar.  They live a horrible lifestyle.

    All the old men are trying to find a young man.  Very seldom do they stay with one partner for very long.  There is always a relationship problem because multiple partners are wanted.  This is a depraved mind.

    It is sin because sin is disobeying God.

  7. Homosexuality is your sexual orientation given to you by God. Why God does this to some people is unclear. Maybe it is their cross to carry in this life. It is only sinful if you engage in homosexual acts with another person of the same sexual orientation.

  8. Sin is a biblical concept. The bible says it is a sin. Sin is wrong.

    It has no existential meaning outside of the bible.

  9. bibel sez so heethen

  10. Because God does not like anyone brown-holing.

  11. Religion is not logical. Looking for a logical answer from religion is near impossible.

  12. there is no logical answer to this question the only reason religious ppl think its a sin is cuz it says so with in their religion but i feel its cause they fear their own homosexual tendencies and r sexually suppressed  

  13. There is no logical answer, only cultural or faith-based ones.  Many animals display homosexual behaviour*: so it is a natural thing, and people are just born that way.

    Different societies have treated it differently.  The Roman Emperor Hadrian had a young male lover, and this was acceptable.  Alexander took his lover with him on his military campaigns.  The Spartans treated homosexual behaviour as something quite essential to the morale of the troops when away from home.

    Some modern religions condemn homosexuality because they began in societies which condemned it.  But there is no logical reason behind it: any more than there is a logical reason behind anything in any religion.  You can as well avoid pork, or refuse to eat meat on a Friday.

    *this word is NOT misspelled, Mr US-centric spell-checker, please go away

  14. Sin means missing the mark.

    Like in archery, not hitting the bulls eye.

    By defenition, legalistically.

    Homosexually would  be missing the mark that God gave the person physically.

    Personally I believe being attracted is not the sin but behaving is.

    Hurting nobody is not what sin is based on.

    Jesus said that just looking at a person to lust after them is already adultery in your heart. "But you aren't hurting anyone" are you?

    Sin is anything less than what God wants for us.

    For example, if you want your son to be first honor in school and all he got was a lousy deans list. Then the person technically missed it.

    So were all screwed  right?

    Thats the point.

    That is when God's love comes in.

    We s***w up and God accepts us even if were so messed up.

    But first we gotta admit that we have screwed up.

    Sadly most people are too proud to admit it.

    God is loving and forgiving.

    But he cannot forgive you if you dont want to be forgiven. This is something most atheists cant figure out.

    They complain about God sending people to h**l without taking into account that they are welcome in heaven, they just refused to accept the invitation.

    So what is the invitation?

    Jesus Christ took our fall when he took the death penalty for us on the cross. He rose again after three days and defeated death.

    All he asks is that you love God and you love your neighbor. Thats really what Christianity is all about. Everything else is just details..

    For example Loving your neighbor means forgiving  etc. It also means not to kill them... You kinda wonder if a christian should join the army? Everything else is details and thats why you go to church to discuss those things, if you dont get a chance to do that in church, I dont think you should attend there.  unless you want to reform them.

    God Bless.


    This is an article I found trying to explain it.

    P.S. For something to be a "sin" it has to go against religion, so asking people not to answer with "my religion says so" makes no sense.  

  16. i don't know that it is all hormonal there r some who r just perverted about s*x and don't care how or who they get it from-but just plain common sense tells u a v****a and a v****a do not fit together nor a p***s and a p***s-that's just messed up- and for those with hormonal problems should go have it corrected at a doctors office

  17. One who commits fornication puts their health at risk. (the bible says, "sins against their own bodies"). AIDS is a good example, but not the only STD. Another problem is homosexual rape, an ancient problem that is again rearing its ugly head. God took care of the problem once with fire and he has promised to repeat the same purging. (a fire, not a flood next time)


    and g*y youth are 2 to 3 times more likely to attempt suicide than other young people. They may comprise up to 30 percent of (the estimated 5,000) completed youth suicides annually. (5)

    With regard to suicide attempts, several state and national studies have reported that high school students who report to be homosexually and bisexually active have higher rates of suicide thoughts and attempts in the past year compared to youth with heterosexual experience.*y-stat...

    •80% of lesbians, g*y and bisexual youth reported servere isolation problems. They experienced social isolation, emotional isolation and cognitive isolation. (Hetrick. E.S., Martin.A.D. Journal of Homosexuality 14 (1/2). 25-43. 1987).

    •In a study of depression and g*y youth, researchers found depression strikes homosexual youth four to five times more severely than other non-g*y peers. (Hammelman. T.L. 1990)

    g*y statistic studies over the past 7 years have indicated that 25% to 40% of young lesbians and g**s have attempted suicide. ("Here For Life" Youth Sexuality Project)

    55% of g*y men have had a substance abuse problem sometime in their life. (10)

    Look at the statisitics, a homosexual lifestyle is a destructive lifestyle. To say that this is normal is not doing anything to help people who are having emotional problems. God knew that this lifestyle would be harmful to people and does not wish for his children to suffer these things. People can say that it is normal but it is not. Having these emotional problems needs to be addressed in order to help people have a happy life. Claiming it is normal and letting people feel like they should kill themselves and be depressed and have dependency problems is not a position of caring for people. Finding out why they have these feelings and trying to correct them so they can lead a happy normal life is the correct thing to do. Letting people know that they are leading a destructive lifestyle and that they do not have to have these feelings is a position of love and wanting to help them.

  19. In the old days when most scriptures were put together the elders' main social problems were starvation, disease, death, and reproduction.

    Accordingly anything which threatened the food supply or population was deemed a sin. This is why some foods were considered 'dirty' and sinful to eat. Homosexuality does not result in babies and was thus seen to be no use to society, and sinful.

    Of course it is actually OK to eat shellfish now, pork, and it is OK to grow different crops in the same plot...but homosexuality has escaped being taken off the sinful list for some reason, despite there being 6 billion people on the planet.

    In short sins were decided to be sins because men wrote the scriptures and there is no god. Those men made the early decisions based upon the things they thought were necessary for survival at the time.

  20. Sadly, you're going to get a lot of lies about the link between homosexuality and pedophilia, bestiality, and HIV.  Of course, there are no links.  The first two are simply weak attempts to demonize the sexuality of a minority- just as many minorities have been demonized in the past.  Statistics show that heterosexual men are far more likely to commit acts of pedophilia.  As to bestiality- it really does take a leap of imagination to link the two, so who knows what they're (not) thinking.

    The last, HIV, is easiest to refute- it has to do with unsafe s*x practices (unprotected s*x), sharing needles, etc.  Besides, if sin was really repaid with disease, how can the religious explain babies conceived with genetic disorders?  Or a child who has contracted a parasite?  Or someone getting sick from polluted water?

    The truth is, there is no sin in homosexuality itself.  Those that try to prove there is, are merely desperately grabbing at straws.

  21. God knew about the HIV virus and the way to keep it out of the population was to prevent homosexual acts.

    Homosexual activety kills.

    You have heard of AIDS and HIV, yes?

    Is that logical enuff for you?

  22. god made sexes to so that we can reproduce....homosexual cannot reproduce....forget about s*x change surgery, its too against nature(do not change what god have made you)

    acc. to holy quran...... god says " we have filled love between men and women"...

    rest of such  feelings are mental creativity

    all our sexual feelings are depends upon ones mind...god has given us free will, but we have to do only right things.... we can do many doesn't mean that god made us to do that .

    science says that similar s*x have competition and jealousy for mating... so its illogical to be in love with same s*x

    masturbation is better than homosexuality

  23. It's God's OPINION according to the Bible. By being a Christian I accept God's point of view. As a Bisexual Christian I understand that I too am a sinner. Homosexuals are sinners, and people who are not homosexual are sinners. Hence, we sin.

    So I do not agree with my brethren in pointing out one sin over another when all along we are sinners one way or another. The idea that one can 'live in sin' by being homosexual is myopic spiritually, in my opinion. To me 'living in sin' is not trusting God.

    Anyone who is a Christian who thinks that 'living in sin' means that you sin daily and thinks that they are immune are showing me how proud they are of themselves, and they probably do not know God that well.

  24. The answer is SIMPLE: the bible says so.

    It's no more or less complicated then that. Though it is sad.

  25. God created human beings in His image. He gave men and women complimentary body parts so that when they enter into the covenant relationship of marriage the two could become "one flesh" when they made love to each other.

    When two people of the same s*x perform sexual acts with one another they are engaging in abnormal use or "abuse" of their bodies and dishonoring their Creator in the process.

    While God calls all people to "love" each other, that kind of love is not a sexual love but a desire for the good of other people. While two homosexuals may think that they have this desire for each other the sexual act between the two of them is a selfish act designed to gratify physical lusts and is not a selfless act meant to promote the welfare of the other person.  

  26. because people think it is "unnatural" for a man to be with another man

    people think it has to be a man and a women

    i don't agree with it if two people love each other then dosn't matter who it is with

  27. Most people will cite Leviticus as why homosexuality is a sin. However, Leviticus is dedicated to rules on keeping the population up and under control. Like no eating shellfish. That was because it would very likely cause you to die. That culture as a whole had (and to a certain extent, still has) problems with keeping its population up, and homosexuality meant that there would be less people procreating.

    Plus it makes you wonder why they had to fight against it so hard if they didn't perceive it as a problem.

    EDIT: Pastor G, I'm going to assume you haven't heard of the millions of straight people in Africa suffering from the HIV/AIDS as well. Not to mention heterosexuals all around the world. Using that argument is, in a nutshell, quite ignorant.

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