
Can someone please explain why parents?

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are having such a hard time raising there kids to be respectful, good natured, polite children??? Is it just me, I don't understand why parents ask questions like "Freddy won't stop hitting his sister" or what ever. Why don't they take control of the situation before it gets out of hand???

Drives me nuts!!




  1. Its because parents have been told trying to control your kids is wrong and if you spank your kids the cops will arrest you. Most parents are too weak or just scared of what the kids will say about them

  2. I think parents don't spend enough time with kids.  If you spend time with them they would probably start acting right and love their parents more because they feel like their getting the attention they need.

  3. I question that myself everytime I see a child misbehaved in public and the parents do nothing to correct the child's behavior. One that erks me the most is my friend's 8 year old son. I believe he is the way he is most of the time is because his Mother allows him to be that way. I am the total opposite. I am strict and I don't allow lots of things, but that doesn't mean my child isn't allowed to have fun. My child gets rewarded all the time when he does well in school, or he behaves great when we are out. He knows what he has to deal with when he behaves badly. I usually don't give him the privileges of watching TV, play video games, he may be 7 but I still use the timeout method and it works for me because he doesn't misbehave when we are out, at home is tolerable because it's just us. I'm so used to handling my situation and getting it resolved rather than putting it in the back burner then have to deal with a bigger problem later on.

  4. cause everyone stopped spanking there children...and started just having "talks" with them.

  5. Because today's houses don't include

    a woodshed.  

    Spanking worked back in 1908 and it would work

    in 2008..   Time out is bullcrap.

  6. Personally I think we need to take a step back to way our parents raised us. I have manners and give respect because my parents taught me that and whats more they gave me a whack or two when I needed it. Today's kids need a good whack to bring them down to earth.

  7. I agree.  

    Who is the parent, the child or the parent.

    I am not a fan of that show Super Nanny because what works for one child will not necessarily work for another child.

  8. LOL i agree with you! I believe today's western society is starting to accept bad behaved people more than ever before. It's as if some parents have practically given up! I guess it's the fact that they believe that they can't have their child grow up to be good but grow up to be bad so they give up.

  9. It's because suddenly we live in a culture where kids are precious angels who are always right. There was a woman here who was arrested for smacking her son in the store because he was throwing a fit. She hit him on the but and yelled at him to top it, and an employee called the police...

    Seriously, since when is SPANKING abuse??

    it's c**p like THAT ... and the fact that kids are so SPOILED! They have cell phones, video games, EVERYTHING, and they never read or exercise! They sit around all day with their friends. They date too young and have s*x, and everything is just TERRIBLE because parents want their kids to like them.

    Your kids don't need you to be their friend, they need you to be their parent. Seriously.

  10. because they aren't allowed to spank or hit there kids anymore because people say it bad, but spanking kids was a way to show respect discipline and just to show the kids that they are the kids. it bugs me to how kids are disrespectful and how parents don't handle it right.

  11. cuz the parents are dumb and they need to learn how to take control

  12. to my knowledge beating children has worked out fine, cause studies show that beating kids, can be the difference between an OJ Simpson, and a Jay-Z

  13. I don't get your question. After you edit it, i will add my details.

    EDIT:::: Yes, I totally agree. Nowadays, kids are MUCH more spoiled. Back then, food wasn't as plentiful. Money too. Nowadays, there is everything. Kids aren't as respectful to their parents anymore. They don't appreciate what they have, and they don't make the best out of what they have.

  14. I agree I agree!!!

    People are too passive!!! By having a child you are dedicating your life to raising them right

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