
Can someone please explain why we don't use hemp for more industry?

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other than the obvious, which is that a lot of people stand to lose a lot of money if hemp overtakes there products, ie: papermills, etc.




  1. Interesting but true- In the early days of the American colonies, hemp was legal tender that could be used even to pay Taxes. The state of Massachusetts had a law, I believe, that required farmers to grow hemp when supplies were short. Hemp was, at one time, a cornerstone of the American economy. That changed by the 1800's, of course, but this does prove that hemp is an important recourse to have.

    Right now, I think that hemp is tangled in with the politics of drug use. Few politicians who advocate for decriminalization of marijuana are taken seriously- it is one of those political issues that there is only one side to.

  2. benjamin straight writes:  This goes back to the 1937 Marijuana Tax Act.  Look up the Federal Bureau of Narcotics and Harry Anslinger.  Then tie him to Dupont.  That should answer your question.

  3. I don't think the government has the way of determining what's hemp and what's smokable. they are afraid to get anything started, that they can't finish!

  4. Growing fiber grade hemp runs afoul of drug enforcement regulations.  And there are a number of other fiber plants that do much the same job that don't have any of those problems.  Most fiber growers aren't willing to fight the uphill battle to get approved to grow hemp.

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