
Can someone please give me a breakdown of what is happening with Russia and Georgia?

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Whats the reason for the bombing?




  1. try reuters

  2. some georgians shot some russian soldiers on the border so russia hit them back, then georgia attacked them and the result is what is happening now a full scale war,

    on georgia...

  3. As usual... FOLLOW THE MONEY... or in this case FOLLOW THE OIL... and the OIL PIPELINE... because whatever reasons are being given... in the final telling... IT'S ABOUT OIL.


  5. From what I can gether there is a region called South Ossetia between Georgia and Russia which  is currently independant but its population are divided over whether they should stay independant, belong to Georgia or belong to Russia.  Their currency is a mixture of Russian and Gerogian and they speak either Russian, Georgian or Ossetian.  There is also a North Ossetia which belongs to the Russian Ferderation.  The Georgians and the Russians both want South Ossetia to belong to them and, as so often happens now a days, it has all come to a head with violence.  George Bush is starting to put his two-pence worth in now and arguements are beginning over oil but that, I think, is basically what is going on!!

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