
Can someone please give me some information about South Carolina - place in general and the cost of living?

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I am planning to move from Michigan to a place nearer to Fountain Inn in South Carolina. I am single. I do not know anything about that place - cost of living, house/apartment rent, shopping facilities, grocery stoores, transportation, safe area to live in, etc. Also does anybody know address of some websites that can give me information about housing? Lastly how quickly can I find out a house? Can anybody please help me out in this regard?




  1. I'm from the Greer area.  From what I know the cost of living is very low compared to most parts of the country.  For shopping facilities, propably Haywood Mall or the Woodruff Rd. area is the closest and has the most variety. Don't know any websites though.


  3. .South Carolina is a wonderful place to live,i moved here years ago from NJ.a little advise slow down,don;t keep referring to how things were back in Michigan realize  that people are going to ask alot of questions about your family and what church you go to,and don't get an attitude .people down here are friendly, polite say yes sir and yes ma'am ladies are refered to as miss [first name] after you get to know them.people in the south speak slower but they are not stupid.i might have not been born in SC,but i got here as soon as i could and don't miss NJ at all .as far as housing contact a Realtor and the chamber of commerce

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