
Can someone please give me some tips??

by Guest58405  |  earlier

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How can i make sure i dont fumble when i have the ball? im a WR.




  1. im a running back and i didn't fumble once.  just grip well and once you get tackled put in your belly as hard as you can or just run out of bounds.  

  2. when your gunna get tackled hold the ball with both hands really tightly!!! sometimes you'll still fumble it but this really helps!!!

  3. clutch the ball tight under your arm, and have the ball in the hand near the sideline

  4. look up tiki barber and how he prevented his fumbling problems...

    make sure 2 hold on tightly..

    or as boobie myles says from Friday Night Lights::


  5. Hold the ball as if you were carrying your child, you wouldnt want anything to happen to your child would you?

  6. Carry the ball with both hands and hold it very tight! And get some good gloves! They can make a big difference.

  7. Take a look at how Tomlinson holds the ball when he runs through tackles. For a wr watch guys like harrison,owens,and some of the better slot recievers and te's. you will see how they all clutch the ball close to thier chest with the hand over the front tip and back tip pulled in to the elbow. when they get hit it looks like reflex but you have to remember to cover the bottom of the ball with your free hand. I play defense and tackles happen at the waist most often and as I take a guy down I push my arm upwards to try to knock the ball loss. if you are known for fumbling defenders will do this even more often but if you improve that can let you break some poor tackles for big gains.

  8. hold on to it with two hands

  9. Grasp the point of the ball in your hand and have the other point in your elbow fold thing.  When you are about to be tackled use your other hand to help with the support.

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