
Can someone please give me their advice.?

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i have now been off birth control for about 7months and my period has never been late before maybe 1-2 days at the most thats all though. i always start the last wednesday of every month. (this month i didnt)! my fiance and myself had unprotected s*x on August 13 which would have been my most fertile day of the most since the first day of my last period was july 30. i am now a week and 2 days late for my period. which has never happened to me before like i said earlier but i have taken three hpt test and despite my hope they all have been negative. i have a doctors apt monday but i just want to know is it possible that i could be pregnant even though my tests are negative?




  1. Yes, it sure is possible you are pregnant.

    Your HGC levels may just be too low at the moment to give you a positive reading.

    Good luck at your appointment, I hope you get that positive!

  2. You could be pregnant, but you could also be stressing yourself to much as well. The first hpt test I took was negative, but I waited a few days and took one again and it was positive. When was the last test you took? Also, why wait for the doctor on monday, the health department will usually do it for free, and all you have to do is walk in. Good Luck.

  3. Elope..

  4. yes it is very possible that you are pregnant.. I took three hpts with my first child all came back negative. I finally went to the doctor and found out that I was pregnant. Hpts are not always correct. Good luck..

  5. Yes it is possible. The resalts of these test are not sure. There is another test whitch gives you sure results but you cannot do it alone cause with this analysis they are mesuring a protein into the blood.

    Sometimes the fact that you are late depends on your stress.If you are stresed it is possible to be late.

    Sorry for my bad English.

    I hope everything will be fine.

  6. sorry doesnt appear that you are.. try not to stress as this will delay periods.

    If you were preg it would def show up on a HPT

    Good luck x

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