
Can someone please guide me on becoming a doctor?

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Hey, I start college soon, snd go to enrol in a couple of days.

I would like some help on which subjects I should take, I am definetely going to choose Biology and Chemistry, but need 2 more and am unsure as to what I should study.

I have been researching, and found that people suggest physics or maths as a good option, and so I am inclined to choose Maths aswell.

For the final one, I am considering picking Business Studies, as it is something I am interested in and believe I could get a good grade in, would this be a good option to take?

The only other problem I have, and the main reason Im asking this question :p is whether or not my GCSE results are good enough.

I have dairly good results, A in Science and additinal Science, which I believe are the most important ones, then B's in most other subjects which include Maths, Geography, RE and PE

The only results Im worried about is English, in which I got C in both language and literature, the reasons behind this is that I didn't put too much effort into coursework, and was quite lazy while completing it

I am led to believe that med schools would like higher than C's in English, and would like to know whether it would be possible to become a doctor with my English results.

Thanks in advance, Paul




  1. You should talk to your advisor.  They are their for that reason

  2. Good news for you. High school grades don't mean a thing when applying to medical school. They only look at your undergraduate work and extracurriculars. You could have been a 4.0 student or just barely got into college, they won't know either way. You better buckle down and work hard though, it only gets tougher. the average accepted is 3.6-3.7, so you need to do better than you did in high school.

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