
Can someone please help Sam? = )?

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Well, I don't need the help but my little sister does. She's 12, and in sixth grade, and has never had a boyfriend before. Her friend tried to hook her up with this dude name Brandon, who said I don't know, give me until tomorrow morning. Do you think she should go out with him? And for 12 year olds, going out doesn't mean normal going out, it means them hanging out together at school without it looking weird and overall having respect for one another for once until one breaks up with another. No night outs, no kissing or hugging, sometimes the kids at her school hold hands and have their arms around each other, but that's it. She doesn't really know him that well, but he seems sweet from what she's seen of him on the bus, and he's cute. So, what do you think?




  1. What?  I didn't have a boyfriend till I was 17 as I was too busy studying!  

    12?  Why is she worrying?

  2. y not its not rare for 12 year olds to kiss (mouth) many of them do  umm yea she almost goin to hs let her It will give her better experience and smarter choices in the future

  3. Leave your sister alone.  She can decide for herself who she likes and doesn't like.   12 year olds don't date anyway.  Unless your parents are 75 years old..they are not old.  You are pretty immature for your age and I know a LOT of 14 year olds.

  4. Is Sam really wanting to "go out" with this guy or is she just bowing to the pressure from her friend?

    I would encourage her to make up her own mind.  If she's  not ready, she's not ready and tell her friend to mind her own business.

  5. What's the point of even going out if they're 12 years old and don't act like boyfriend and girlfriend?  That's just called hanging out, not GOING out.

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