
Can someone please help calm me down?

by  |  earlier

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Okay my mom was having trouble breathing and we had to call 911 and the ambulance just left. I'm in tears, my head is throbbing. I'm so close to my mom I don't want her to die! I have many types of bad anxiety and I can't handle this, I can't stop hyperventilating I don't know what to do! Please I'm terrified!




  1. Its ok!!!! i know how u sister had seizures as a little kid and i always freaked out and i still do im very easy to i reccomend just relax get ur mind off of things, talk to a neighbor,call a frend, watch tv, listin to music, anythign tht helps u relax!!!! im sure ur mother will be fine soon just dont wory a thing!!!!! god bless <3

  2. calm down. your mom might have had a small heart attake or stroke. most of the time nowadays people dont die as much, my mom is a doctor person. and there is only a 39% chance of her dying but try not to worry.  and thats with a baddd heartattake. but try and not think of the worst. think of what is good and that she will make it ok.

    and Best wishes for your mom  and you :]

  3. Hey There,

    It sounds like you are certainly having a hard time but please don't worry too much. I am sure that your mom will be OK. Since you could not go to the hospital you can call in a little bit and see how she is doing. Try to relax. Lay down for a little bit if you have to, take slow deep breaths, and think about all the fun stuff you will do with your mom when she gets out of the hospital. You are a really special person for being so concerned about your mom in the first place. What if you were not there to help her? She would have been all alone and I am sure that would have been scarier. The best thing that you can do for your mom is be really strong. When she gets back home she will need you to be. The doctors are trained to take really good care of people. How about you make her a card or write her a letter while she is away to tell her how much you really love her? That will make her get better quicker then anything else. Best of luck sweet heart.

  4. AHHH! okay first of all calm down.  Your mom will be fine don't worry! :]

    It is normal to feel this way.. try to distract yourself watch a really funny movie, listen to music, read a book.  Talk to a friend your mom will be fine you need to relax i got that way when my sister went to the hospital and i watched a movie and was fine.  She will be fine sweetie :]

  5. Your Mom is going to need you to be strong for her.  

    Try to realize that she is getting help at the hospital, so it is best that she is going there.

    If it helps to pace back and forth, go ahead and pace.

    Can you call your G-ma or G-pa, or a Aunt to talk you through this time?

    May be you can call your Pastor to pray for your Mom too.

  6. she will be ok!!! just think positive!! i know ur scared i would be 2,but dont worry!!!

  7. Phone an ambulance for yourself first, then get a paper bag and breathe in and out of it.  You will need assistance too if you can't stop this.

    Best wishes.  I mean it, call the 911 service for you.

  8. Shut the lights out, put a cold wash cloth on your head and try to breathe very slowly. Chances are your mom is having an asthma attack or an anxiety attack herself and the emt's are very able to handle it, im sure she will be fine! If you need to count backwards from 10 holding your breathe for just a second in between each number this should help! You may also want to lay on your side and put a pillow between your legs under your knees, it will make you more comfortable. Take some asprin to ease the headache.

  9. Becca R,What you must do is try to calm down now.  You had done the right thing for your mother.  She will be just fine.  She isn't going to die,Hon.  What you can do is just say some prayers that she will be okay.  I know for a fact that she will be just fine.  She will be alright.  Grab a nice hot bath and relax.  You are so very sweet that you care about your mother like this.  But what your mother wants you to do right now is to relax.  She wouldn't want you to be this way...A nervous wreck.  If you need to,Go lay down and rest.  I'm sure that your father will let you know how your mother is doing.  I am so very very sorry that you are feeling this way.  I wish I could do something more to help you.  My name is David and it's a pleasure writing to you.  I'm sorry it couldn't be on better terms.  Hon,I'd stay with you longer,But I've gotta go......I'm so sorry bout this.  I don't mean to leave.  Will you be okay tonight?  If not,You can write to me if you want.  I've gotta go but I'll be around.  You try and have yourself a goodnight and God bless.  I'll be praying for your mother's health.  Bye for now.

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