
Can someone please help me, I feel so stupid for asking but........?

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What are the steps I need to take to enroll my child in preschool? He'll be 4 in Nov, I live in a City, so am I too late for enrollment for this fall? If I call during summer will anyone be there? I don't know what to do. How do I go check them out, make an appointment? I heard something about registration fees, when would I pay that? Ahhh, sorry I'm just really lost with all of this, is it expensive? Can someone please help me?




  1. have up to date immunization records on hand.  you can also look into a local co-op to save $$ and get involved in your childs preschool.  good luck!  As far as checking them out...get in touch with a local mom's group, they will likely be able to refer you to several good places!

  2. they will have an early registration day coming up soon, make sure he has all shots up to date, and you have utility bills, socials, birth certificates, and your lease. if he wont be 4 when school starts i believe he has to wait until next year.

    my daughter couldnt go to pre-k and my son could

    most all schools have a website, do a search to find it, and there you should find all important days

  3. Depending if it is private school or not..With public schools.

    go to the school and explain what happened and they will sign him will just have to sit there and fill out a lot of forms..

    private schools might require some small late enrollment fee.. but most likely not

  4. I just did this today.

    found the preschool's website...emailed them to see if he could still get in, they said yes and set up a time for me to come in and get the registration done.

    Now we need his birth certificate, SSN, paystubs, physical, dentist checkup, ect

  5. First of all you need to go to the school and enroll, bring all his paper - birth/health card/proof of address/immunization papers. If you're getting your child in a strick catholic school bring his baptism if needed... I am not sure about the fees, but most school will call you after you have enroll your child - they will make a phone call to have you come to the school, have a tour and with your child as well. The first few days will probably be short - Cause starting a new school with less teachers is overwhelming...

  6. Call the schools you want him to be in. there might be a waiting list. When I was registering my son, they were all ready filled up by this time, but put him on a few waiting lists then one school will call.  When you pick up registration papers you can ask them if you can look around.  We didn't have any registration fees, but we had to pay for his lunch.  It would seem to me that he has a late birthday so you might have to wait till next year, but call the pre-ks and ask.

  7. It depends on what you are wanting.  A pre-k through a public school or a private daycare will likely have a sign up date and a waiting list (though not always and if they aren't full then that goes out the window.) The public school will need proof of residency and immunization and possibly proof of income (if it is a program that accepts low income first.) A private daycare may require some, all or none of that.

    Now there are also "preschools" done at churches and they are usually only a half day two or three days a week as opposed to the all day every day schedule of private programs and school programs. They usually involve a small fee up front and then monthly payments.

    I would look up the numbers and call now. Usually someone is around who can at least pass along a message or give out info. Expense varies - a program at a public school will likely be free, daycares cost quite a bit usually and church based preschools are usually cheaper BUT you have to be able to pick up and drop off in the middle of the day so it doesn't work well for working parents. I've done all 3 over the years with my kids. Good luck.

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