
Can someone please help me. I'm having a mental breakdown.

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Why do so many people hate me b/c of my Tourette's & OCD, including online strangers & my family?

The symptoms are not my fault. & people lose patience with me very fast. & when people abuse me whether online or in person, verbally, or physically, other people, who I try to turn to for support & help, always say that I open myself up & put myself in the position to be physically assaulted or my feelings being hurt. People have less patience with me than what they have of other people. It's not fair at all. On the internet, don't we ALL give @ least 1 piece of info about ourselves? Why do people choose ME to pick on?

It's pointless for me to live. I'm tired of being tortured, abused, punished, & miserable all the time. & people always agree with the abuser. I wish I was f**kin' dead!

***I posted this in the psych section, & it got reported. I'm not ranting. I need help. I don't have a phone to use. The battery charger got broke somehow, & I don't have the $$ to fix it.




  1. just calm down - people don't like change they don't like to see people different than them and so on so therefore they try and bully you because of it, i know it isn't right but it's the way that it goes.

    I promise you one day you will find a friend that will listen to you're problems and will stick by you against the world and that day will be the happiest you will ever have but till' that day try make new friends keep you're mind open tell them things they need to know and then they can choose to go when they first meet you or stay then you know if they really care or not.    This is a person you can email and they will email back within 24 hours they can help you alot.  

  2. I am really sorry but the way you said

    'I wish I was f**kin' dead!'

    is just quite seems like you are just overlyparanoid..

    no offence intended.

  3. Having Tourette's is a debilitating illness. For those who are not Tourette sufferers they won't understand what you are going through. It is best to find other people who have the same type of syndrome and share your life experiences with each other, then you will feel more comforted.

  4. `uhh... use  a payphone, a bit hard to comeby, but they still exist. No family to ask to borrow a phone? What about a friend to ask to borrow a phone? You could walk in to a store and say mind if i use your phone, its very important.

  5. while I have the upmost sympathy for anyone with mental problems, being depressed myself, you lose all credibility by caring so much what people on the internet think about you

  6. You have to realize that what other people think isn't important. How you and the people closest to you feel is important. don't be so hard on yourself. there are a lot of mean people out there and you have to have a bit of a tough skin to deal with it. if people aren't nice to you for no reason, than they are not worth your time or energy. Just knwo that you are better than them and that they're not worth your time.  Focus on the positive things in your life and try to bring positive people into your life.  

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