
Can someone please help me find my mom?

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Hi, my name is Brian and I'm trying to find my mom. I was recenetly diagnosed with cancer and the docotors think that she might be able to help save my life. My dad doesn't remember much about her, and the online people search websites haven't been much help. They take my money and give me outdated information. I have only been able to find out the following information about her: Her name on my birth certificate is Deanna Phyllis Boulden, born 5-27-63, in Texas somewhere. Her address at the time of my birth was 317 North 12th Street, Apt. B, Waco Texas 76701. I was born at Hillcrest baptist Hospital, in Waco Texas, on 5-31-79. She married my dad, Rodney Wyer, on 9-11-78, and divorced him on 6-10-82. The case number was D-131156, in cuyahoga county. She married a guy named Loyd Standifer in wichita county Texas on 11-10-93, case number 155423.

I would really appreciate it if someone could please help.

I don't know what else to do, or where else to go




  1. Guest21377

     hey brain email me this is your sister, or

  2. Guest21300

     Hey Brian Send me a email this is your sister.

  3. I dont want to sound rude but how does your father not remember much about someone he married and had a child with?

  4. wow maybe the IRS i don't really know they have records for the entire country but im not sure how you would get info from them, try a lawyer they will know more than us here.

  5. It's a longshot but try this. Call411. Ask for the number for both names in that county. Just might be the best 3 bucks you ever spent.

  6. wouldnt say its april fools day today,ohhh waight it is....sorry man dont beleave that.....

  7. I don't know much about research in the States, but have you tried the electoral roll? I would assume she's using the name Deanna Standifer, but it would be worth checking her maiden name, and your surname too, in case she reverted back to it after another divorce. In the UK electoral rolls are available online for a small fee, so I assume this would be the same in the USA. Otherwise have you tried phone books where you think she may be living. A guess would be to try the town in which she married, in Wichita County, TX.  

    I know those chat shows will track people down and reunite. It's a little far-fetched, but why not? What do you have to lose?

    You could also try to contact family members. You should be able to find a copy of her birth certificate if you know her birth name, and that will tell you her parents. If they're still alive, or perhaps they had other children. Perhaps if you hired a private investigator, they could turn up more information.

    I don't know much, like I said, but I starred this question as interesting just in case one of my contacts can help. Spread the word!

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This question has 7 answers.


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