
Can someone please help me out?

by  |  earlier

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i met this guy about a month ago at a mall here in PA, (i live in PA)

anyways, we started talking for about a half an hour, so we exchanged emailes and keapt in touch,

i use my parents computer in their office,

so yesterday my dad found the link of this guys page on his browser, and saw it

and my parents told me not to keep talkin to this guy or i would get grounded, and they began questioning me about him

im only 16 and a half,

and seriously i dont see anything wrong with this guy,

i mean, he dosnt curse THAT much, just a bit

what do you audience think ?




  1. He seems a lil bit TO MUCH ... uses the F word to much , drinks to much , likes himself to much .. just TO MUCH ... your prarental units are prob right about this one .. stay away :)

  2. Your parents have your best interest at heart.  They care about you and want you to have a happy future.  You don't know this person you met.  He could have a criminal record or much worse.  The problem is you are the age when young people become rebellious against their parents.  It's a stage that passes.  Try to understand your parents and work with them.  You will grow to maturity and be able to make your own choices but some young people never make it.  They make disastrous decisions while they are rebelling and ruin their lives.  Really ruin their lives.  Be patient and show your parents respect.  No one else loves you like they do.

  3. Seems a bit of a player if im honest. Your parents seem right.

  4. in his main picture he looks cute but in the other ones heck no he looks very ugly but nway idk whats wrong with him you know parents

  5. They probably read the "About Me" section on his profile.

  6. This posting occurs frequently........  possibly post it in the mental health section next time, if you must.

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