
Can someone please help me prove to my parent-folk that they aren't right about everything?

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I was telling my dad and his girlfriend that the school system starting times where I live is dumb. Elementary school starts at 9:00 AM, middle school starts at 8:00 AM, and high school starts at 7:00 AM. I was telling them that the starting times are whack. My dad's girlfriend said that high school students need to get up early enough so they can get used to the real world. I said that life gets harder as you get older and that life is hard enough in high school without having to worry about lack of sleep. The elementary kids can fall asleep at 8 or 9 PM, but I can never go to sleep before 10 PM. And I said I take naps (30 minutes or less usually) during the day, because I don't get enough sleep waking up at 5 AM, and going to sleep between 10 and 11 PM. They said to "re-program" my body to just go to sleep earlier. I said that I just can't. If you could make yourself not get older, wouldn't you? My body just can't fall asleep before 10 PM. It's just the way I work. The last time I went to bed before 10 PM is when I kayaked down an 8 mile river in a two-person kayak. (And my dad made us flip into the river, where there are alligators.) Then I went to bed at 9:30. That was the last time. Does anyone think I am right about having my bedtime and/or my whole school time starting schedule theory? Any advice? BTW, i'm 14.




  1. At 14 you are not an adult. The whole point of education is to learn survival skills. Personal hygiene, nutrition, urban skills like language and mathematics to help you exist in your environment. Instead of putting up personal barriers, flow with it. Systems are designed to help. Just because you can't see the value of it at this time doesn't mean that it has no value. If you can't go to sleep then perhaps it is time you learned how to take management of your thoughts and learn how to turn them off at night so that you can sleep. I agree sleep is very important.  

  2. I agree with you. But since younger children have a harder time staying alert at such an early time, as a semi adult, you get the early schedule. When i was i HS the earliest it started for me was 730 and the latest 815. 3 was the latest i ever got out. i even heard that some schools thought that banning lunch would be okay because you can survive 8 hours without food!!! so be lucky!!

  3. I think you're right because I have to go through the situation.  But honestly, I doubt that there is anything you can do about it.  It's not even worth arguing.

  4. You sound just like a lot of teenagers who can't get their own way.  You don't make any sense when you say "adults going through puberty".  Adults don't go through puberty, teenagers do.  And if you don't like the school hours, take your complaints to the school board.

    You might as well realize that people your age do NOT run this world!   Your parents know a lot more than you do, and you need to listen to them to learn a little more about what's really going on.  Smarten up,  kiddo, and you will get along a lot better with everyone!   Enjoy the years you are being taken care of by your parents.  All too soon, you will be out on your own, and then you will really find out what it's all about.

  5. Smaller children need more sleep.

    Life doesn't revolve around you.

  6. actually you're both right.  

    The schools are set up the way they are for the kids to get used to "the real world" as your dad's GF said and also so the older kids are home before the younger ones so they can watch the younger ones until mom or dad comes home.  

    BUT sleep experts have said for years that teenagers need more sleep than elementary school children (average of 10 hours a night) and that a 10am to 4pm school time for high school would be a better schedule on a physiological level for teenagers.

  7. I'm guessing that you're correct about the whole situation or whatever.

    It's unfair that high school students who are growing and need their sleep are being treated unfairly compared to the younger kids. I can sort of get what your Dad's girlfriend is talking about when she says "it's preparing them for the real world" but both of them need to consider that YOU still need your beauty sleep and that it's improper and unfair.

    Waking up at 5 o'clock in the morning is just ridiculous for a fourteen-year-old. I'm 23 and I wake up at 7 o'clock to get ready to go to school and sometimes even later depending on what time my classes start. You should write a letter to the school board explaining all of the reasons why school should start later. They should be at least warm-hearted enough to realize that no 14-year-old should be waking up before their parents to get ready for school. And how many hours of sleep are you getting? Like 7 hours or so? At your age you need at least 8-9 hours of sleep. Take my advice, you need to stand up for your rights.  

  8. yea they're sooo wrong, u right(i'm not being sarcastic) can you answer my question;...

  9. Did your school system set that up because they think younger kids need more sleep? Most people need a minimum of 8 hours to be functioning properly. Older people need 6. If I were you I'd cut out the naps, unless it is a quick 20 minute nap. Your body is susceptible to the cycles and patterns you set up for it, and later on it can be hard to break. I used to go to bed at 11 pm, wake up at 6 am, then take a nap for four to six pm. When I graduated from college and got a real job, I had a hard time getting into a "normal" sleeping pattern without the naps. It took a year for me to get used to falling asleep and waking earlier, and going without a nap. That year was torture. I wish I had just gotten used to sleeping 9:30 pm to 5:30 am when I was younger, but I liked to stay up late. I still miss it....

  10. While it is true that teens tend to need a little extra sleep, it is also true that in the real world, often you do have to get up early and get to work at a decent time. In the summertime, however, I don't see why you shouldn't get to sleep in a little bit, as long as you're pulling your weight around the house. By the way, you don't get to have it both ways; you can't get the perks of a child and still demand to be treated more like an adult - make up your mind!

    Best Regards,


  11. From experiencing school and a career, I can tell you, your parents are right.  Lack of sleep is something you need to get used to, not only for your career, but for college (and especially graduate school if you're planning to go).  Waking up early is a good habit no matter how late you go to bed.  Sleep is important too, but in your case, I think the hours are sufficient.  World is not going to change their hours for you.  And when you get older, it may get tougher to adjust to the lesser hours you may be sleeping.

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