
Can someone please help me right now??? Please... I'm crying... Idk what to do...

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My mom just came home and started talking c**p about me. I didn't do anything. And then she blamed everything thinking that it was her husband. And then she lied about how she was talking to me this morning when she was talking to my brother. I was mad at her because of yesterday, I told her that she never listens to what I say and she's still doing it now... She said that I didn't say that to her WELL OBVIOUSLY SHE WASN'T LISTENING. She never listens to me... please help... Please.... I think I'm going to go into a mental breakdown...................... She doesn't care about me at all... I never said or done anything wrong to her and she hate's me for no reason now...




  1. The thing is, Miso, she does care about you.  It is impossible for a mother not to care about her daughter.  She just doesn't know how to deal with her love for you and MIGHT not be a good mother (hey, not EVERYONE can be a good mother).  It's up to you to be the bigger person and let things "go".  You will be out of there in a few years and can start your own life.  Please don't let her crazy sh*t affect you in a bad way.

    You have the chance to be a great young lady, and have a great life.  I'm sure your mother is doing the best she can... sorry, but it's true.

    Please don't cry... keep your head up, and be the great person I know you are inside.

  2. I don't think she hates you. That would be really hard for a mother to do. Did something happen to your mother-her job or her husband. Sometimes people (mothers are people too) lash out when they are tired, worried or frustrated. Why don't you ask her if she is OK. Tell her how you feel, tell her you love her and give her a hug.

  3. You or/and your mom need to go see a counselor or psychiatrist. Obviously, your mom has some problems and it's important to listen to your daughter...It looks like she has some problems, and you as her daughter, should try to help her instead of thinking what you did wrong because you didn't do anything wrong. Talk to her, after all she gave birth to you, so i'm sure she loves you. Ask her why she's acting liek this, and remember She can't hate you. before you try to help her, you must help yourself first. Talk to a counselor about how you're feeling right now, and he can guide you through all of this. At this time, look for friends to support you.

    Hoped I help and Good Luck!

  4. Write all of these feelings down in a journal...just write and write and write...then at the end, write out a prayer to God for how you'd want Him to change your situation.

  5. cry a a bridge...and GET OVER IT....seriously....if your a kid than get over it...that or get out while you still think you know everything

  6. she doesnt hate you.

    just go take a bath and then go to bed.

  7. First of all it's best to think with a clear mind and not be upset or angry.  It's hard to do as we all know but terrible things are said at times of anger and frustration.  Maturity is very important.  The best thing to clear the air is honesty, good communication and maturity.  You mother gave birth to you and has taken care of you through the years.  She doesn't hate you!  This is just one of the many difficult times in yours and her lives that needs extra effort to get over whatever the problem is.  Do you truly care for each other?  Then show it and talk this through.  Support each other and listen to each other.  Does she have a busy schedule?  It's hard for parents to relax when they work throughout the week.  The teenage years are hard.  Be patient and know things will work out in one way or another.  

  8. Walk out of your house, put your headphones on and max the volume up. Forget everything and everyone for ten minutes; and then when you're ready, return to insanity.

  9. im sorry to hear that, try to move out from your mom as soon as possible she sounds disturbed, don't take it out on yourself you didnt do anything wrong, parents sometimes get mad for no reason just like mine, dont take it seriously, tell your mom she is acting crazy dont be afraid

  10. First things first, take a breath. There are a lots of things to breakdown about, unlistening parents isn't one of them. BELIEVE me when I say that cause I dealt with that too. They're right you're wrong, the best thing to do is to is not even bother fighting with her. Listen to come music, write in your diary, or my personal favorite - Hit the punching back when you're starting to feel stressed like that, find an outlet to explode into that isn't destructive and will help lower your stress.

  11. I know what you mean, I was mentally abused for 18 years by my dad.  Im not saying your mom does this to you, but right now you probably feel like you are.  The best thing you can do is go to your friends house right now or just every single minute you can.  Im thinking you probably cant just go to your mom an talk to her.  Im sure that is what most people will tell you, but with people like that, its impossible to do.  You gotta be around people you like and people that liek you, its the only way to get thru things.  If u were near me, Id even tell you to call me up, id help u out.  I live in Pennsylvania though

  12. Be patient your mother is probably under alot of stress for whatever reason maybe soomethign going on at work?  Ask her what the deal is?

    Prayer also helps too!

  13. Put some music on, and cry it out.

    I'll be on MSN in a minute.

  14. she doesnt hate you she is probably going threw a tough time and she  is probably listening to you but just forgeting it but if you just take a deep breath in a breathe and then relax it will help and maybe call one of yr friends and talk to them thats all i can say

  15. dont worry dont cry!!

    same thing happens to me alll the time!!

    just know that everything always gets better

    and its ok!! dont cry for me!!! ok?

    i cry all the time and its ok!!!

    dont cry!!!!! contact me if u feel bad!! anytime im always here!!  

  16. I doubt it's because she doesn't care about you,my dad says WAY worse on a regular basis.Chances are she is taking out all of her frustrations on you,talk to her about it,remember there is always two sides to every story.But just from personal experience don't think she hates you or doesn't love you just because she is acting like an idiot.My dad has said to me many of times before I was an ungrateful selfish brat who wasn't his problem and threatened to turn me over to the state and have them "deal with me"(along with Mentally Ill confused and twisted).The thing is he has had a terrible life and even though its inexcusable I understand why he does it,I mean the worst thing I have ever said to him was shut up.But not to get into my life people do TERRIBLY STUPID things(like my dad) but mostly don't mean it (like my dad).

  17. get someone else she'll listen to to talk to her

  18. i say go up to her right now and tell her how you feel. the tears will help her shut up and listen. if that doesnt work just ask her what is wrong with her. sometimes when something is wrong with someone they shut everyone else out. which could be why she isnt listening to you. i hope i helped =]

  19. Maybe there is another issue and she is using  you to take it out on because you were the closest to her mayeb?

    Wabe relationship problems/work..something else maybe?

  20. Maybe she's having a bad day?

    Or just really really drunk

    Talk to her about it tomorrow morning.

  21. just to express your feeling listen to some songs or get a note book write a song or a poem just dont listen to your mom;...

  22. ok breathe   she is probably in a bad mood happens to all moms   whne they are mad they blame a lot of ppl and scream

    and you are talking back to her when she talks only respond when she says for now and wait til she chills then you can talk to her abut your problems trust me

    i feel that way a lot about my mom but its because she is too stressed out all the time and i feel she hates me but trust me just wait a while she will come around  

  23. wow that was a confusing mess but that is what teen ages years are all about :L

    my parents are awesome, but except when i break my dads stuff :P

  24. lose your self in your anger and say f*ck life! like i have... care about your self only and turn to your dreams and don't let emotions or stupid people like her get in your way.

  25. This really breaks my heart.   Vent it here or anywhere know where you can.   People are always here to listen.   I know I am.

    Hopefully you can put a smile on that face.

  26. OK, 1st of all your mom doesn't HATE you. She's obviously angry about something, but usually when someone seems angry for no specific reason, but directs their anger at YOU, then 9 times out of 10, their anger really has nothing to do with you (I susepct this is the case here too). So I hope you can take some comfort in that knowlege.

    As for your mom not listening to you, well I sympathise with that. But if your mom is going around angry, & upset most of the time then she's probably not really capable of being a very good listener right now. That doesn't relieve her of her responsibility to her daughter (you) to be a good resource to come to. But at least if you know that you can't expect that kind of comfort from her right now, then maybe you won't be so frustrated trying to get it from a place that it isn't available at the moment.

    Maybe it's work, maybe it's her relationship(s), maybe it's insanity (only your mom knows) but what is going wrong between you & your mom at the moment is YOUR MOM'S responsibilty to get under control/ If her being mad at everybody isn't working well for her, then she needs to find another way, but it's UP TO MOM to figure all of that out.

    In a nutshell, what I am trying to say is that it's not all YOU, so relax & chill a little.  

  27. You can go to a friend's house and try to calm down.

  28. Hate to tell you this, but JOIN THE CLUB, some parents are insaneeeeeeeee.

    They are annoying, and frustrating.  I doubt any normal kid is like friends with their parents.

    Get over it.  Calm down, relax.

    Get your mind off of it, I take walks, and make hemp bracelets and such, and write when i'm angry.

    Burn some incense and candles, just relax, get your mind off of it.

    I'm sorry, i hope you get better soon!


  29. Well, if you want her to listen to you, you need her to be in a good mood. If she isn't, you need to find someone else to talk to that you trust. Your mom may be having troubles with something, so maybe you should listen to her and help her out. If she is pissed at you for no reason, there is not much to about that, i would just avoid her until she cooled down and explain how you feel. And if she starts yelling at you, then just leave. You have to help her with her problems before she can talk to you normally. It seems the opposite from a parent helping you instead, but sometimes they have bigger problems then you think. I hope that helps a bit.

  30. well i can come and comfort u your just like me thats why i moved to my moms plus she loves u maybe in a different kinda way but she does who couldnt ur cute seem to be nice but handle things that need to be handled by the way my real name is brett

  31. You may be stressed and upset right now, but you know deep down that your mom loves you and you love her.  You are just hitting a rough patch right now.  Calm down and try to relax.  Put your ipod on and chill out.  If you feel up to it go give your mom a hug and just tell her you love her.  Try not to think about this moring or yesterday.  Just hug in and try to remember a much happier time you shared with her.  Hope you feel better soon!

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