
Can someone please help me!! this is very serious!?

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July fourth my bf went in me without a condom. He only went in once and i made him go out of me, however he did have pre-***..i did take pregnancy tests and i was all negative. When he told me to go get a test that is when i started panicking and when i went to research that's when all the symptoms happened. i took 7 pregnancy test before my period, however i did get my period on time it was lighter than usual but it lasted 5 days and my regular period usually last 6 or 7 days. i waited a day or two to test again and it turned out negative but i still feel that i am. Sometime i feel that i have the symptoms. Wouldn't i know by now because it has be 5 weeks and 2 days?

I have gas but i still go bathroom like a lot during the week....and i have pain in my abdominal area and my back, also my ribs?

is this pregnancy because i am still negative.




  1. I doubt you are, it would have shown up in a test by now. However if you are worried go get a blood test done. You are worrying yourself to the point where you think you are pregnant.

  2. its probably all wat u would feel naturally but now that u think of it u notice it more. u may be but the chances are close to none.

  3. Sadie, the power of the mind is incredible.  If you allow yourself to believe so strongly that you are pregnant, you can actually develop REAL "GHOST" SYMPTOMS of pregnancy without ever being pregnant.  Your tests are negative.

    Your pains could be ovulation (they can cause cramp-like discomfort sometimes) and the "feeling" of being pregnant doesn't show up for most women, until a few weeks after the embryo has attached to the wall of your uterus - for me, it was over a month beyond my missed period.  You are the one with the calendar.  How many weeks have passed since the first day of your period?  If it's about 2 weeks after, then you could be ovulating again - hence the back aches.  Pregnancy such an early stage should cause no back or abdominal discomfort.  You shouldn't even know it yet, other than a positive pregnancy test, which you CAN'T seem to get.

    YES, go and verify it with your OB/GYN - they can even do a blood test to get a more positive confirmation as to your condition.  But STOP OBSESSING ABOUT IT.  It is highly possible you are causing your own "ghost" symptoms.

  4. go to specialist and asked them  

  5. The pregnancy tests and your period were more than likely correct, you are not pregnant.  However you are focussing your mind on your stomach and other areas on your body so you are more sensitive to what is happening there.  Take your mind off of it.  In future it would be preferable that you use birth control so that you do not become pregnant before you and your boyfriend are ready to raise children.

  6. You would certainly know by now.  I would say that stress and worry are the cause of both your problems.  Tension can cause pain in your abdomen and back, a 5 week old fetus is too tiny to do that.

  7. Yes, you would know by now. Go get a blood test done, just for reassurance.  

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