
Can someone please help me with a movie/history question???

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So i just watched the Other Boleyn Girl and i was wondering how much of it was true. I know King Henry the 8th had a mistress named Anne Boleyn, but that his daughter was Mary..and in the movie Mary was Annes sister? Can someone please clarify these two stories for me?




  1. no because no one was alive back then exept for lastad and luie

  2.   Henry became attracted to Anne Boleyn when he was married to Katherine of Aragon.  He had a daughter, Mary, with Katherine, but wanted a male heir.  Katherine could not produce one.  In the meantime, Henry's roving eye (he had lots of mistresses) landed on Anne B.   Anne's sister, another Mary, was Henry's mistress before he even met Anne (Mary was 14 at the time).  He eventually grew bored with Mary, who was married to William Carey when she was 12 and he was 24!  Don't worry, though.  The marriage wasn't consummated for a long time.  (Yes, married women would serve at court and would be 'chosen' by the king for "favors."  Their husbands often saw this as an honor and didn't object.  They would even claim the illegitimate children as their own and would be rewarded by the King.)  It's believed that Mary's son, Henry Carey,  was the son of Henry VIII.

      So, that's it in a nutshell.  I could go on for hours about the Boleyns and all of Henry's wives, but I'd take up all the space on this site!

  3. the basic idea of it is true. i'm not sure if the characters in the movie actually acted like that or even resembled like that (i thought henry was suppose to be fat) but it is based on historical events. mary is henry's daughter born by his first wife. however, anne also had a sister named mary who really was henry's mistress until anne came along. i don't think anne ever became henry's mistress but insisted on marriage and then became henry's second wife.

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