
Can someone please help me with this dream thing i had?

by  |  earlier

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every time i cosed my eyes i saw this face that looked like a girl who dies and was decomposing. then when i went to sleep my phone rang so i was going to get it but it was like my body was locked and i couldnt open my mouth. i wanted to scream but i couldnt. my eyes were opened a little bit and i saw my room door open. before i went to bed i remember closing it because my mom was on the phone being loud. when i was able to move i thought i just dreampt my phone ringing and my door opening so i looked at my phone and it sayed that i missed a phone call from an unknown number. and i saw the door open so i thought that it was just my mom comming in to check on my so i went to ask her but she was in a deep sleep so i woke her up and asked her. she said that she didnt and i got scared. i called my uncle because hes a pastor and he said that the same thing happened to him. he came over and prayed with me. this was all at 3 in the morning. can someone explain something to me so i can get me being posessed out of my head




  1. something like that happened to me(it was a little different though like i was shaking and couldnt stop and felt pins and needles going into my back)and the doc said i either had a panic attack or a seizure.we still dont know what happened to me.

  2. They say when u are stuck like that and can't move it is the devil trying to take control of your body and we fight to get out of the trance..It is a very freaky experience

  3. Hello

    This was nothing paranormal darling.

    The first thing was you imagination, if you sit quietly you may remember what sparked it.

    The not being able to move, meant that you had Sleep

    Paralysis whilst in waking dream state, so everything was very lucid.

    Possession is a state of mind, put it out of yours & be positive.



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