
Can someone please interpret this statement?

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If a man doesn't keep pace with his companions perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him stop to the music he hears, however measured or far away.

- Henry David Thoreau




  1. My opinion is that if a person in a particular group does not seem to fit in or do what is expected or what everyone else is doing.  It is probably because that is not where they want to be

    If this is the case then you should take the time out to find out what you really want to do whatever that may be.  For eg. A  family situation if all of his siblings went to university then this is what is expected of him but what if he chooses to be different and pursue a career in music if this is what he wants he should go after it.

  2. Personally - A man does not have to be part of,  or follow " the cattle " You do not  have to "follow", be a leader .--

    You do not have to be part of the masses - You are differrent ( not necessarily better ) so be your self - Who cares if you are not "cool" because you do not like punk rock and instead you like Chopin ? - just becasue you do no "keep pace with your companions, you simple hear a different tune ? !

  3. It means that if someone marches to the beat of their own drum, let them be because it will suit them.

  4. It means that every person is an individual and you should respect the fact that other people do things differently in the way that they see is best.

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