
Can someone please justify spending $4 Billion on the new Real ID Act?

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Who will it benefit? ...besides the Dept of Fatherland...I mean... Homeland Security?




  1. It's a plot!  The next step will be when they stamp a "666" on our foreheads!

    But is there a way that we can fight this?  If it's actually against the Constitution won't the attorney groups jump on it like the ACLU?

    Can we write to our senators and congressmen or sign a petition or start a bill against it?  There has to be some LEGAL way to stop it!!

    Make sure that you insist that they put your name in lower case since Upper case means you are a slave, but you all know about that stuff too right?  

    WE can't riot til Bush leaves since he'll pull his Dictator Card out of the Patriot Act and use that to s***w us and eliminate the election and become our LAST ELECTED PREZ.

    There really IS enough evidence to have him impeached.  I'm creating a website all about it but it's not finished yet.  MUCH to add.  

    If people squeek about it enough they should hold off and try to sneak it in at another time.  We have to hold out for a couple more years at least and then once we've ascended we should be able to figure a way out of this mess and tell them all to play with themselves!

    Peace ... "Illegitimi non Carborundum"

    or, in PERFECT Latin, ... "Noli nothis permittere te terere".

  2. Real ID. HAHAHAHA. Oh well. It doesn't really matter, no matter how you feel. We're all gonna get them whether WE like it or not. THEY'RE GONNA GET YOU!

  3. They will spend whatever it costs. They need it for their plans to create a North American union.

    North American union is not a myth although some claim so, including the government's official propaganda web site for the Security & Prosperity Partnership with Canada and Mexico.

    To learn more, go to the web sites of the Conservative Caucus and the John Birch Society.

    If you want to stop the North American union, you have one chance to do it.  After that, it will be too late.

    That chance is to elect Ron Paul, the only candidate opposing it.

  4. It's just another "Big Brother" tactic that is unconstitutional and will be ineffective. It will NOT reduce incidents of identity theft with any measurable success. It will NOT create any kind of sense of 'security' for citizens. It will only allow the federal government to more easily track its constituents and monitor their activities. As Sinclair Lewis once said: "When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in a flag and carrying a cross".

    But, like sheep being led to slaughter, most Americans will foolishly comply with the new "rules", just as they have with the income tax laws, the Patriot Act and countless other government mandates that take away our freedoms and privileges.

    Robert Maynard Hutchins said: "The death of democracy is not likely to be an assassination from ambush. It will be a slow extinction from apathy, indifference and undernourishment".

    When 'we the people' refuse to oppose our government and its hackneyed intrusions, we will - sooner rather than later - wake up some day to discover that we live under the rule of a corporate-controlled, special-interest-inspired dictatorial regime.   -RKO-  06/03/08

  5. Identity theft has gotten to be a major source of crime and the Real ID Act would help cut down on some of that.  You may benefit as some illegal alien (possibly a terrorist) would not be able to do it in your name.

    Actually, all citizens of America will benefit, if it is set up and used appropriately.

    I, for one, am wondering why it has taken so long?

    Thanks for the link!

  6. They're billin' us for killin' us - Lord have mercy on the average man.

    We continue to have our rights, liberties and freedom severely hampered (on the way to being lost completely). We are dealt blow after blow, and the government has us saying, "Thank you, may I have another?"

    So many words to choose from - abolished, obliterated, infringed upon, trampled--our rights.  Amazingly, they've managed to get many of us to ask or demand that they do so, and they have complied with the many asinine acts, bills and laws to "protect us from terrorist" or stop the "illegal invasion" (an invasion they've encouraged and abetted).

    As for the Real ID Act, there are no limits on the government’s power to add additional requirements--imagine what those may be one day. It gives Secretary of Homeland Security the authority to add requirements at any time. They just have to figure out a way to make us ask for them and pay for them first (for a while longer anyway - while they continue to allow most  of us to operate under the mistaken belief that we live in a free country).

    "Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human

    freedom. It is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of

    slaves." William Pitt (We have to give up many of our rights to be protected from terrorist according to our current government)

    "Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."   Benjamin Franklin (Self explanatory [surely])

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