
Can someone please logically justify...?

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Obama's association/friendships with the likes of Ayers and Wright? How can these be rationalized? Overlooked, even? Help me out here.




  1. There is no logical justification - it's a deceptive trick known as "guilt by association"

  2. They can not and should not be over looked, when one lies down with dogs one gets up with fleas, and if one attends a racist church for 25 years its only logical to assume one is a racist

  3. You forgot about the vicious Machiavellian, Zbigniew Brzezinski! He is far worse than Ayers or Wright, and  and he is Obama's chief foreign policy advisor!

    There are worse things than just being loud and ignorant... such as militarizing the Taliban, architecting wars and false-flag operations, and writing books calling for a global Orwellian surveillance state!

    Don't worry, I'm not a McCain supporter. He's associated with the very same nasty globalists.

    Reject the two-party duopoly! If you're voting D or R, you're part of the problem! Learn what the CFR is!

  4. Um... first rationalize why people are only now demonizing Ayers after 40 years?  He's done his time and paid for his crimes.  Can he not move on and live his life as an American or does everyone he knows suddenly become guilty of the crimes of his youth by association?  Now he is active on the local school board trying to improve the schools of Chicago, he's a local community activist.  That is how Obama knows him, not as a terrorist.  I thought conservatives were supposed to be for the rehabilitation of ex-criminals?  From all the hubbub, I would gather not.

    Why don't you discuss Bush's close ties to the engineers of the Enron scandal and why they got off scott free?  Or how about his ties to the Bin Laden family?

  5. ummm....

    Because Obama is a "D" and all "D"s are good and all "R"s are evil.

  6. There simply is no justification and the strategy used by the liberals is that this is "old news" and should be forgotten.  Imagine that, eh?  A newcomer on the national political scene and anything about his past associates is supposed to be forgotten and treated as old news.

    He has so many past radical associations that it's downright scary.  Just this morning I found this article about yet another Barack Obama association with another radical Islamist who helped Obama get into Harvard.

    Here are some excerpts including links to several of this man's videos:

    In one of the videos, titled “Christians Designed Discrimination” uploaded by a YouTube user named IslamStudios, Al-Mansour said, “White people don't feel bad, whatever you do to them, they deserve it, God wants you to do it and that's when you cut out the nose, cut out the ears, take flesh out of their body, don't worry because God wants you to do it."

  7. They can't be rationalized without saying his associations with "radicals" was deeper than just casual.  

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