
Can someone please post instructions on hypnotizing below?

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Please! I need instructions on hypnotizing! PLEASE!!!!




  1. Theres a lot of poor instructions out there. Keep in mind your subject needs to be willing so you cant like hypnotize that hot girl at your coffee shop from across the room and make her love you. I learned from an ebook though, it provides an overview, how and why everything works, and a sample script. was the site, after reading I could adapt what I learned for most any of my friends. Pretty fun stuff once you get it down.

  2. Remember that you can't hypnotise an unwilling subject.

    They MUST be willing to undergo hypnosis, and believe you can do it.

    See this link:

  3. Hypnosis works by placing you into a trance, a bit like a day dream. Once you have reached the trance state, a series of instructions are placed. It is often said that these instructions are speaking directly to your subconscious mind. This is the part of your mind that controls most of your day to day detail. Things like keeping your heart pumping, your lungs breathing. All the kind of stuff that we need to do on a regular basis without too much thought input.

    Once you set a target for your subconscious mind then, providing the target is inline with your self image, it will help you to reach that target.

    What is your self image? It's the picture you hold of yourself. So if you view yourself as an overweight person, that's the image your subconscious will work towards. Re-drawing that picture of yourself is a good idea if it doesn't fit with where you want to go in life. Hypnosis can be a useful way of changing your self image.

    For instance, if one of your goals is to lose weight then hypnosis can be an excellent way of doing that. You won't find too many ways to learn how to hypnotize yourself to lose weight for free, but there are a number of pre-recorded scripts that won't set you back much more than a Happy Meal and will be better for you in the long run.

    The same goes for stop smoking hypnosis. There are some programs out there that will cost you several months worth of the savings that you'll make when you quit smoking with hypnosis. But there are also some hypnosis MP3s that are almost free in cost.

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