
Can someone please teach me how to set up Port Forwarding so i can play on XBConnect?

by  |  earlier

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I'm a newb to this and i need serious help. I don't understand how to do this. How do i know what numbers to fill in? Just what do i do in general?

Please teach me i'm desperate!




  1. First you need to understand that Port forwarding is done at your router. So to setup port forwarding, you have to log on to the router. (If you don't have a router, there won't be any need to port forward!)  Second, in side the router, you need to tell the router that traffic for a specific game, or port, needs to go to a specific machine on the local network. You do that by entering the information needed into the routers forwarding tables.

    So you need to know, your computers local IP address, and what ports are used by XBConnect. (happens to be port 8602)  SO you forward all UDP and TCP packets inbound to your computer.

    If your computer is at then send 8602 all tcp make another entry and send 8602 upd to that same ip.You also need to allow that port within your computers firewall!

    (Do understand, your computer is then exposed to the internet and can be exploited using that port!)  

    The easiest way to do this is to follow the step by step instructions at !  Just click on port forwarding by router model, enter your routers make and model, find XBConnect and follow the guide!  Thats all there is too it.

    Use for alot of information on port forwarding.  

  2. To setup port forwarding, you need to know the port number & the local IP address of your computer and the public IP of your router.

    For example if A.B.C.D is your public IP & a.b.c.d is your private IP & an application is using port number 3389 on your computer then you add an entry in the router specifying the private IP a.b.c.d & the port number 3389 and also enable both TCP & UDP protocols .

    Now to access the application remotely you can type the public IP A.B.C.D:3389 (say in a web browser or remote desktop application) from any where on the internet & your router will forward any connections coming on port 3389 to the computer whose private IP is a.b.c.d.

    Hope this makes sense.

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