
Can someone please tell me about The Furminator?

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I have heard that it is good but I would like to hear from someone that has actually used it on their pets. Does it work as well as the telly says it does?




  1. It is awesome but it does sort of cut the hair so you can over do it.

    I went on line on eBay on got the 4" for 24.00 plus $8.00 shipping.

    At Petco the brush is $59.99 for the 4".

    Great brush!!

  2. I took one of my dogs to the groomer, (the one in my avatar)and he asked me if I wanted to have him 'Furminated', and kind of explained it...I paid an extra $10 for it.

    Well, this breeds has a MAJOR coat drop each spring, and it stays in the coat and makes instant mats if not brushed out.

    I had that done in February. That dog didn't shed! The next time I got hair in my brush was in July. No shedding, from Feb to July. Wow! I was sold.

    I got one for the rest of my dogs. ( from vet's office) It is hard to use on this breed, because their 10 inch long hair will whip back on itself and tangle. But if I go slowly, it works like a charm.

    The answer above is correct. If you brush too much in one spot, it will cut the hair. You just have to take it easy.

    Oh..My little Chihuahua leaves white hairs all over my clothes, especially if he gets nervous. The Fruminator works to get those loose hairs before they get on me..So, it helps with a short-short coat, too.

  3. I have used the Furminator at the vet clinic I work at and it seems to pull hair out. Brushing dogs and cats was an endless job.. it seemed to be pulling out hair to make it look like it works! Either that or the animals I groomed were huge shedders. Anyway, when you use Furminator you will end up with tons of hair on it whether it pulls healthy hair or really just takes out the dead ones.

  4. Hi there... the Furminator or similar de-shedding combs are excellent at removing the layers of the coat to minimize the shedding.  However, as everyone noted it needs to be done gently so it doesn't leave the cat's skin irritated or  the coat bare. How it works best is to turn the comb at an angle and gently comb through the direction of the coat hairs.  It takes a bit of time to lift out the dead hair, but each successive comb more hair is removed.

    We use the de-shedding comb on our house cats as well as our exotic cats with tremendous success.

    Affordable alternative to the Furminator that does work equally as well: Bamboo:

    Video of Bamboo:

  5. Oh my goodness!! The Furminator is the best  grooming tool I have EVER tried! It's miraculous,really! I used to have actual TUMBLEWEEDS of hair rolling across my floors,but no more!! Once,one of my cats got lost in a tumbleweed!! But now my floors are ALMOST hair-free,and my animals are all very nicely groomed and happy!! Oh Joy!!!! =D =D =D

    Oh,it just takes the dead hair,really,if you use it right! You have to brush GENTLY!! If you brush too FIRMLY,it will pull out the good hairs,too,and you'll have a bald kitty or doggy!! Oh,my goodness!!

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