
Can someone please tell me everything they know about the new Animal Crossing that is coming out for the Wii??

by Guest57956  |  earlier

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Can someone please tell me everything they know about the new Animal Crossing that is coming out for the Wii??




  1. well lets see ill just give u a few detalse.

    Well if u never played the first ones, ill explain what u do in the game.

    In the game u moved to a town which u name, buy a house, get a job, go fiching, bug catching, to to event on holidays, go to the city accution items, get a bite to eat or just shop and more !

    In the wii version they are coming out with a new thing called "wii soeak". Which is like a microphone that u put on top or ur sensor bar and u can talk to other players.

    This new animal crossing comming out is wifi so u can go to other players town or they can come to urs and u can all talk to each other over wifi with the wii speak !

    here check out this video and this site it will help u learn more and read the previews on this site.

    web site.


    Here make sure u read these previews they tell u almost everything about the game.

    Hope u like the game !

    Cant wait for it to come out !!

    oh and its comeing out november 16.

  2. The primary new addition to City Folk is a new city area. Accessible to players by bus (driven by Kapp'n), the city offers a variety of activities. In the city, players can shop for clothes, accessories, and expensive furniture at Gracie Grace, a fashion boutique shop. They can redo their hairstyles, and even choose to replace their face with that of their Mii, at Harriet’s beauty salon. You can also go to the shoe shine man who will change the color of your shoes. Other activities available at the city take advantage of the Wii system's Wi-Fi capabilities, such as an auction house run by a gyroid who's name is Lloid, where players can auction off items to other players via Wi-Fi connection, an office for the Happy Room Academy run by Lyle, where players can see how well other players’ towns are progressing, and a theater to learn emotions from Dr.Shrunk at 600 bells a show. Redd is back, but a password is needed. And the Able Sisters are back as well as Nook's.

    The holiday characters such as Jack and the reindeer named Jingle, both from the original game, are back, as well as new additions such as the Easter Bunny.

    Other changes and additions to gameplay include the reintroduction of several real world holidays, such as Bunny Day (Easter), Christmas, and Halloween, which were absent from Animal Crossing: Wild World. Additionally, players can now customize the front, back, and sleeves of clothes, as opposed to only being able to customize clothes as a whole.

    There will be downloadable content available as a free service. New furniture and items will be released periodically.

    There will also be a host of DS connectivity functionality. For example, owners of Wild World will have the option of moving their character to City Folk, and everything will be transfered with the character, including for what they are wearing and their catalogue. Additionally, the DS can be used to transfer characters between Wiis as a means of visiting other player's towns, however it has not been said if a copy of Wild World will be needed for this or whether the function will work via DS Download Play

    The game will also be the first Wii game to take advantage of WiiSpeak (sold seperately), a new microphone option for the Wii enables voice communication over Wi-Fi, and can also have live text chat using a USB Keyboard. Also, players can communicate with other players by sending messages to either their town, Wii Message Board, cell-phone, or personal computer.


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