
Can someone please tell me how to act normal around an sociopathic person and not so tense all the time??

by Guest64809  |  earlier

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She s***w me over so many times in the past with her lies and betrayals but in front of others she acts like she is normal. I have so much animosity toward her. and whenever i see her face around i feel real sick to my stomach, tense, and cautious. she is living with us so i am trying to not make any troubles. How should i treat her, since i no longer want to talk with her. from a sociopath point of view does it matter that i ignore her ugly a**. Will she hurt me or others if we ignore her?? does she comprehend that what she does is hurting others?? Will she hurt other people if she has a feeling that she is being ignored???

I know this sound so stupid, but i jsut need to know how to be around one

thanks in advance




  1. Trust your instinct on this. It sounds like it's been screaming at you. She'll hurt you if she feels like it, basically. She needs to leave. She may comprehend that she hurts others, but she doesn't care. That's why you feel the anxiety. On some level, you know that she presents a danger.  

  2. Is this a diagnosed sociopath or just a psycho b*****?  A diagnosed sociopath is self serving and people are things, objects or instruments to be used to serve themselves."Does not see others around them as people, but only as targets and opportunities. Instead of friends, they have victims and accomplices who end up as victims. The end always justifies the means and they let nothing stand in their way." A true sociopath doesn't think in terms of hurting people.  

    I can imagine that you would have the feelings you are reporting!  It makes sense to be cautious and keep your distance. Remain civil.  If you spend some time every day meditating/thinking calmly of compassion it might help you to calm some of your tense animosity but I think it's good to remain cautious, distant and civil.  The site that I have posted has very good info on sociopaths.  One of the things it mentions is that this personality tends to move on a lot.  You can only hope right?  I am not an expert on this subject.  I wish you serenity

  3. Who is this person? You state she is living with you, so, I'm assuming its either a family member or a friend. Depending on who the person is, and what the relationship is, decides on how you would go about this. Could I get a little more info?

  4. This is the best advice I can give you. Get a copy of a book called, "The Sociopath Next Door".  I can't remember the author's name, but you'll definitely recognize what real sociopaths are like. They aren't all murderers. There are many crazy-makers among us and if this roomy is with you, you'll definitely be able to spot the patterns of behaviour. They can be very frightening. I've encountered one in my life, and one was more than enough. So I really sympathize with you.

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