I'm currently a student enrolled in an engineering program but recently I did co-op and made quite a bit. I understand what I made is going to my tuition but at the same time I feel real fortunate on what I made and that I really want to give zakaat regardless of my age and my position. First of all, I'd like to say that I have no assets during this whole year except for the total amount of money I made. Obviosuly, I've spent more than half of what I've made already but out of the total amount of money I made, how much do I deduce and give it to zakaat? If it helps, the current gold rate is $29/gram (CAN $). Also, my co-op term was only for 4 months, which thus means that I worked for 4 months only and not a full year. I still feel like giving zakaat so can someone please tell me how to calculate it and if I am eligible to pay zakaat? thanks for your time and please, only those who have the knowledge to answer this question only should reply to this...