
Can someone please tell me if i have cockroaches???

by  |  earlier

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The first time i saw what appeared to be a cockroach to me was in the kitchen. I've never actually seen a roach before so i googled it to be sure and i couldnt really find a pic of one that resembled what i found. It had the exact same shape as a german roach but it was much darker almost black. I didnt see a swarm of them or anything so my usband said it was probably something else. Then last night we found one on the kitchen floor again and killed it then as i was lying in my bed i saw one crawling on my cmforter. I panicked and tried to flick it off the bed so i could kill it on the floor but when i flicked it off the bed it kinda jumped up in the air really high. The things is it didnt run super fast or anything like ive been told about cockroaches. Do i have cockroaches or does anyone know what this might be???




  1. Without a photo it is hard to know whether this Is a cockroach. If I were you and suspected these were cockroaches I would treat for them. You an buy effective cockroach traps that will eliminate them before you get a heavy infestation. These are small black squares that you can place in places were cockroaches hide (beneath furniture, under refrigerator, closets, etc). I have found these to be very effective.

    It won't hurt to try these rather than take a chance the roach population may grow.

    Hope this helps.

  2. a different species of cockroaches

  3. Yes, I believe you have cockroaches. years and years ago when we used to live in a warmer climate we had cockroaches. The pest control guy came every 3 month to spray everything. I tried to clean very good and I did not leave any food out anymore, but they are tough to kill those bugs....

    They say if you see only one cockroach that means there are hundreds somewhere else hidden in your house.

    Call a pest control guy and if possible try to catch one of these nasty creatures to show him.

  4. I would most def say you roaches. Get yourself some roach surface spray and spray it everywhere in the cracks etc. Buy the one that kills the eggs as well. You can usually tell the eggs like solid mass egg which are brown. If you find any eggs, squash them in a tissue or paper towel etc cos one egg sack contains hundreds/thousands of babies.

    Do it asap, I know when I did yrs ago they were gone without 2 to 3 weeks.

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