
Can someone please tell me what's wrong?

by  |  earlier

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I think i have a yeast infection, but my discharge is normal and doesn't smell. For the past 3 days it's been really itchy and red around my v****a, but i think its an allergic reaction to a new type of condom. someone help me please.




  1. If you honestly think that it's just an allergic reaction, try taking a Benadryl or other allergy med to see if that stops it.

    After 3 days though, I don't know about the allergic reaction.

    If you can, get yourself to the doctor to have it checked out. You could have any number of things.

    Please don't just buy yeast infection medicine and treat yourself though...I read a study where women who were about to buy yeast meds were asked if they'd mind being checked out by a doc and 70 something % of them didn't have a yeast infection, they had something else entirely.

  2. Go to ur doc to be sure

  3. Could be...

    I am allergic to latex and the spermacidal agents they put on those things...

    rule it out by trying something else (a different type of condom) or unlubed (use KY)

    also some of those funky lubes like the heated or sensitivity or flavored, etc... causes sensitivity "down there"

    I am allergic to about everything tho, but, good luck!

  4. You don't always have funky discharge with a yeast infection.  I would get some over the counter cream and see if it gets better.  And...just to be on the safe side I would stop using those condoms.  

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