
Can someone please tell me what is function of 555 timer and flip flop in hand clapper circuit in detail? ?

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Can someone please tell me what is function of 555 timer and flip flop in hand clapper circuit in detail? ?




  1. Do you mean "Clap-on/Clap-Off" switch (sound activated)?

    If yes, then there is usually op amp (741?) which acts as peek detector,triggering 555 in monostable mode providing output pulse of constant width. The output pulse sets and resets flip flop which in turn drives relay to control the load.

  2. Without seeing your "hand clapper circuit" a definitive answer cannot be given.

    However, the treatise on the 555 wich can be found at this address is as very good:

  3. Are we supposed to guess what the circuit is?

    My guess is that the 555 is being used as an astable multivibrator to generate a square wave, and the flip-flop is being used to divide the frequency from the 555.

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