
Can someone please tell me what my dreams mean??

by  |  earlier

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First dream: I was with a bunch of people and with Squib from 15 Love and me and him hung out and he gave me his number and home address and I gave him my phone number.He said that he lives in USA and coming to Canada is like living with Family because he can't really go anywhere and stuff.He and I were kinda flirting with eachother and he said to me you think i'm gonna break up with Cody?and I replied no I don't think that.

Second dream(I've had this on a few times before): The cops are chasing after people to catch them and put them into a room.I'm running and suddenly the cops catch me.They take me to a line up and then they put me into a huge room thats all white.No windows just a huge fan up on the ceiling and the door.They lock me into the room and I can't get out!!

Can anyone explain to me what these dream might mean?




  1. First Dream: You have a crush on this guy

    Second: Your being chased. Your trying to get away from something in your life. You are stuck. There is no easy way out. You are feeling uneasy?

    -Book of Dreams

    And the second one, if you had that a few times, you feel you want to get away from something all those times. That is a normal feeling.

    Sometimes, dreams are just random things. You culd of seen or heard something that lead you to a weird dream, or you just got to thinking. Dreams can have effects on your life but sometimes they are just random.

  2. Well your second dream tells me that you feel that you are stuck in a rut in your life or that u feel hopeless about a problem that wont go away...You are tring to run away from this problem but it does not help because it will still be there till you face up to it...

    Your First dream is probably telling me that you are trying to find true love in your life and that you may fancy someone that is already spoken for...

  3. Dreams are only wild thoughts that run in our subconscious mind.Just forget about it.Get to your normal routine.

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